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Some of the fillers won't take place during TDI.

I did make Mila up and she probably will only be mentioned in fillers so 🤪



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"Haha fucking loser!" April yelled, "checkmate bitch." "We're playing uno you fucking idiot." Noah responded. "Same difference."

Noah looked up at April before placing down a wild card. "Blue." He said. "Ooo~ Boy you thought you were slick." April placed a plus four. "What the fuck?!" Noah yelled, "You really saved that for last you prick?" "Yessir!" April yelled back. "I hate you so much." "You love me." April reached across the coffee table and tried to hug Noah. "Stop you whore, get away." Noah yelled.

April got up and ran around the table. "Stop, I hate you." He said pushing her away. "Stop being a loser and give me a hug!" April yelled! "Well I am the loser but I'm not giving you a hug! Fuck you!" Noah yelled back.

April tackled the scrawny boy to the ground. "Get off me idiot." Noah struggled in the girl's grasp before pushing her off. "Oof." April mumbled while hitting the floor. Noah and April look at each other for a few moments before bursting out in laughter. "I hate you." Noah said.

"Whatever." April scoffed, "I know you don't." "How can you be so sure?" Noah asked. "I've known you my entire life Noah, you would've ended out friendship years ago if you truly hated, that's just how you are, you like being upfront with people." April paused for a moment, "Plus you would have been more of a bitch than you already are." "Do you want me to kill you?" Noah slapped her shoulder. "Perhaps."

The two laid on the ground and stared at the ceiling, for awhile. Complete silence. This would happen sometimes, though no words came out of each other's mouth they enjoyed the other one's presence.

Every so often the two would have a moment where they weren't going for the other one's throat. Where they would respond with sarcasm or playful insults. Where they'd actually sit down and talk about their lives and how they were feeling. Both Noah and April aren't very comfortable with the topic of feelings or sharing things with other people. But when it came to each other they didn't care. They had been through so much together, seen the worst and the best, it didn't matter.

"Hey Noah." April started. "Yes?" "What would you do.. if someone had a crush on you?" She said slowly. "Well that depends on the person." Noah responded, "Are you saying someone has a crush on me?" "No, yes, maybe." Noah looked at April weird before continuing. "Like are they a close friend or?" He waved his hand around. "Both?" "Okay you need to give me straight answers or I will kill you." "What if it was someone like.. Mila?" "Well considering Mila is a lesbian I highly doubt." Noah sat up and looked down at April.

"Do you have a crush on me?"

"What? No. You're gross and ugly." April scoffed. "Come on, just admit your undying love for me." Noah smirked. "I will kick your ass." "No you won't." "Okay bet." April sat up. "Oh shit-" Noah quickly got up and ran out the door with April following behind.


I feel like this is most productive I've ever been 🙈


6:59 PM

12:48 AM


12:49 AM

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