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I don't have thy power,
To feel down; fall down.
My options are limited
Stay up; Go up!

Up high,
I fly!
I see thy laughters,
Even cries!

Rains are cries
Of laughters or pains,
Refracted lights,
Mirrors sunny tomorrow.

My raindrops
Are letters
For thy mournings,
Offering reliefs.

Colourful bows,
Not science but life,
Ensign of Highest oath,
Written in the Book of Life!

When their wings touch,
My soulful flesh,
It reminds me of freedom,
Which bears humility.

At times, I envy,
Deep ocean below,
With her mighty creatures,
Compared with my flocks
And artificial birds!
Reminds me of His promise,
Lowest, goes up!

I'm lonely,
But needs to be still,
Eyes are looking up,
I'm flags of Heavens.

I say unto you,
Feel down but,
stand up, stay up!

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