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***Dedicated to single mothers.

Hold my hand as we walk in your journey together,
Because life will be full of different colours.
Like the sky which may signify bravery,
Can sometimes define life of blue and misery.
Like white sands which may ensign purity,
Can sometimes be brownish because of impurities.

This boardwalk will be the witness of our laughter for today,
Because tomorrow's smiles may never be the same of yesterday.
If you want to walk, we will walk together,
If you want to run, we will run together.
If you fall on your knees I'll help you stand up,
But if I fall on my knees I'll stand up for you.

Your father will be far and will be of nowhere,
Alone in his lost path he'll be finding himself,
So alone I will teach you the universal principles,
If I can't I'll push myself as long as I am able.

You are too young to know the real aches of the world,
Let us enjoy that innocence as gift from our Lord.
I will always be your mother from sunrise to sunset,
I'm your mother who will hold your hand until my last breath.

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