Day 20: Moon

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Moon Scars
You could say I'm like the moon
Beautiful in the right light
and sometimes you can only see part of me
you just have to catch me at the right time
But no matter what there will always be a side I hide
It's just as scarred as the rest of me
from passing junk I used to call friends
I can't stop them from crashing into me
but I can still choose what side you see
Maybe if you're smart enough you'll find a way
to see the backside of this moon
Maybe if I trust you enough I'll show you willingly
But if you break that trust just know
I will raise oceans, toss tsunamis against your shore
So you understand that just because I have these scars
doesn't mean I'm weak, that I can't fight
They mean that I'm strong, that I'll survive

Midnight Magic
Magic stirs, bubbles, and pops in the dead of night
Oil slick sky dotted with sparkling, dazzling sequins
Opium filled air imbues all young witches with delight
Numb to everything except the glow soaking into their skin

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