BONUS: Your Husband Sucks

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I'm in a good mood today, so don't expect any harsh angst unless I stumble upon a good angst story and become depressed all over again.

Did I say this before? If not, did you know the note in "-I'm Sorry-" was a vent chapter lmao-

What a fun fact. Anyway-

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATSUKI, YOU ASS! This isn't really a birthday gift, but it's a bonus (like the last one) and it's Katsuki's POV, so it technically is.

(bakudeku, katsuki's pov, aged-up characters)

-Your Husband Sucks-

Katsuki woke up with a huge headache, groaning in pain as Izuku Fucking Midoriya sat beside him, grinning ear to ear.

"What the fuck?" he whispers "Why is does my head fucking hurts so bad?!"

Izuku whistled "Was it that bad?" Katsuki raises a brow "You got drunk," Izuku stifled a laugh "You remember what you did?" Izuku says, he holds in his laughter by clamping a hand on his mouth.

"Wha-.." Katsuki groaned "Oh, god," he dragged a hand over his face.

Katsuki sees a shorter green haired man, and his first thought was-

He was hot.

And he fucking had freckles too! This is unfair, what the fuck.

"Excuse me?" he laughs "What is unfair about my freckles?"

"You're hot," Katsuki blurts out, and the shorter man immediately blushes brightly at the compliment, "and cute? What the fuck, this really isn't fair," he whispers angrily.

"Okay, Kacchan, I can now see you are drunk," Izuku says sternly, "just sleep-"

"Kacchan? Who-"

"Dude, he's fucking drunk," a blond laughed, "he just called you hot and cute in public!"

"Denki, stop."

"Who the fuck is Kacchan? My name is.. uh.. Katsuki Bakugou, call me Katsuki," Katsuki says.

"Did he just almost forget his name?" Denki whispers, laughing. Izuku smacks him and scolds him quietly.

"So, are you single?" Katsuki asks, and both Denki and Izuku widen their eyes before Izuku had to stifle a laugh while Denki bursts out laughing "What? Shut the fuck up.. Dunce Face."

"Whoa!" a girl from afar exclaims "Is.. is Katsuki drunk?" she looks at Katsuki then Izuku, repeatedly in that order.

"Yes, Ochako," Izuku sighs, "he's drunk."

"Is this your girlfriend?" Katsuki squints his eyes at Ochako, Denki didn't even try keeping in his laughter and was wheezing on the floor "The fuck, your choice of girls suck. I really thought you'd be gay."

"I- wha-.. I'm pan!" Izuku says. "And I don't have a girlfriend."

"Then, date me, dumbass!" Katsuki says, Ochako amusingly whispers "Oh, hes drunk," to Denki.

"I don't think my husband would like that," Izuku smirks.

Oh shit.

That hurt more than Katsuki expected.

"Your husband fucking sucks," Katsuki mutters.

"Wha- are you crying?!" Izuku laughed, Ochako walks away while dragging Denki "Well.. I can agree that my husband sucks."

"Mm, then it can be our little secret!" Katsuki pouts, doing grabby-hands towards Izuku.

"Ah," Izuku gently pushes his hands away, "he may suck, but I love him very much."


Izuku bursts out laughing, a few tears from laughing appearing "Y-you dork! You're my husband."

Wait, what?


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