Chapter 1: Akaashi

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Akaashi Keiji. Now age 18. Fukurodani's Captain. Only 3rd year. Good looks and grades. Resulting in everyone's favourite. However, he is gay. He never came out to the family nor did he ever think about it. The thought of his parents disapproving him hurt a lot and the connection they have doesn't want to be ruined.

He never was into the female race, he always believed that he was gay. He figured it out at the age of 13.. he didn't seem attracted to girls no matter how many times he tried, he saw his friends get girlfriends and some even tried to set him up on a date with a really cute girl but no luck. His supposed to be called 'friends' must've realised it- slowly they left him. Akaashi didn't mind he was okay with it. He was.

It was in spring of 2012 where he first set eyes on the prize. Volleyball. His hideaway and comfort. All the other boys used to play soccer and basketball but Akaashi never had interest. Whenever he saw volleyball on the TV his eyes brightened. He loved it. He fell in love with it.

—[ cut to 2015, going to High School]
"I'm off now" he waved off to his mother who waved back with a smile.
Akaashi closed the door behind him and sighed. First day at high school. First day at Fukurodani high school. He doesn't know how he got in he just did? Apart from the uniform which he did in fact like a lot, what he mostly looked forward to is the volleyball club. Fukurodani volleyball club. Not just a club. His passion and his greatest achievement.

The entrance ceremony was finished and he was assigned to his class.
" ugh of course I'm in class 1-A" he mumbled to himself . He had the smarts, he wasn't looking forward to it. [Author: I will use [y/n] for areas of classmate. Because Akaashi is the only second year AAA]
Akaashi felt a tap on his shoulder "ah yes?" He said as he turned around.
"Hiya! I'm [y/n] I heard you mumbling and I was just wondering if you were okay?" She [im not assuming genders but you will be a damn female] said with a giggle and a slight blush.
"Yes I am okay." Akaashi said turning back around. He knew what is going to happen. He would get close to her and she would fall in love with him and then he would have to turn her down and-
his thoughts came to a stop.
"Akaashi, I didn't think you would be a rude person I just want to be your friend!" [y/n] spoke.
Gosh after that Akaashi felt stupid.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not good a becoming friends with people" he lied. He was extremely good at becoming friends with people he just chose not to.
The bell rang declaring school was over for the day and the club activities were at start. Akaashi shot up from his seat and grabbed his bag.
"I'll be off first. I'm going to join the volleyball club." Akaashi said to [y/n] casually.
[y/n] replied with "hah, okay then! Good luck I'm going to join the school band!"
With that they parted ways. Akaashi was atleast happy he got one friend in the class.

"Fukurodani Volleyball club, 3 times nationals and a power house school" he said to himself while walking to the gym. He smiled. "Yes! I'll do my bes-"

"Hey hey heyyyyyy!"

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