Chapter 4: confession

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WARNING: strong language is being held in this chapter if you dislike it please do not read !

silence in the room. Just silence. No one talked to the fact that you could probably hear a pin drop.
The silence lasted a good 2 minutes until Akaashi broke it.

"Koutaro I didn't mean to walk in-"

"You didn't say anything!"

"You had headphones on."

"You just stood there."

"I know"

it went quiet again. Oh well, it was just Akaashi's gay kicking in.

"Um well, let's forget about that. Can I talk to you about something Koutaro?"

"Yeah sure hit me"

"One of my classmates are interested in you and well she wants me to try and set you up are you okay with it?"

"Ah, no."

Shocked Akaashi looked up at him. He didn't expect him to be so blunt.

"Maybe if it was a he.." Bokuto said quietly but Akaashi heard.

Akaashi heard it. Bokuto is gay? Why did he seem relieved at that? Why is his heart racing?

"I'm sorry for making it awkward.. do you not support it? I don't mind telling her myself actually. When she confesses that is..." his voice was trailing off meaning he seemed upset or more so he just came out and it hasn't been accepted so he must've felt disapproved.

"No, I accept you. I'm gay myself" Akaashi said as hid his face. "Probably the reason I saw staring at ya him?" He tried to lift the mood but Bokuto just starred aimlessly. A bit like how Akaashi was starring at him beforehand.

" well! That's good." He said.

Akaashi couldn't read that. He didn't understand what Bokuto meant by those words and well, he couldn't read Bokuto at all.

He left his house by spending a mere 45minutes. They both probably had some thinking to do since they did come out to eachother but Akaashi didn't understand what was up with the reaction. He said his greeting to his mother again and caught his father on his way to his room. He bowed in respect and entered his room, tired. He didn't even want to eat today he had so much on his mind. Eventually he fell asleep resulting in the awaking of the next day.

Akaashi left his house early just to not get caught by Bokuto but unfortunately he must've got the same idea since they left the house at the same time. Akaashi walked behind Bokuto as if he didn't know who he was. It was extremely awkward for both of them but didn't look like they were bothered at all (even though they were).

Akaashi sat at his desk and looked out his closest window. He didn't even notice [y/n] approach him so when she tapped him on the shoulder it startled him, both of them.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you but I just have a question." [y/n] started off saying. Akaashi just looked at her.

"I'm thinking of telling Bokuto senpai today. Is it okay if I come to the volleyball club with you and grab him for a moment?"

Akaashi has no reason to decline so he nodded and replied "yeah sure, but don't take to long he is our captain you know."

She nodded and bowed in respect before taking her seat. Homeroom began shortly after and then classes. It wasn't long until lunch break started so Akaashi just stared out the window looking at those who had gym at that time. The class was English but he wasn't interested. He's already an A* student so he had no reason to but of course high school isn't easy. His teacher must've noticed because Akaashi was picked to read.
"Akaashi! I hope you're paying attention!"

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