Chapter 2: Bokuto

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"Hey hey heyyyy!" A voice behind him said.
Akaashi was cut off which did in fact upset him but he didn't think much of it. However, that man. He seemed like a star.

"Hey hey- oya?" The boy said.

"Uhh hello." Akaashi said to atleast avoid the tension they had between them.

"Oyaaaa?? A first year!?"

"Yes, I am a first year"

Silence. Awkward. They stood at eachother staring.

"Oh. My name is Bokuto. Bokuto koutaro! Fukurodani's volleyball club captain and ace!" He showed his hand out for a shake.

"Oh ah yes, nice to meet you I'm Akaashi Keiji." He took his hand and shook it. His hand was soft.

— inside—
"My name is Akaashi Keiji and I play setter" Akaashi gulped he wanted to great a good first impression.

"Agaaashee!! Toss to me!"

"It's akaashi."


"Come on."

Akaashi sighed. This was his ace ? he thought.
He tossed to him it did take him some time to get close to Bokuto spiking it but when he did Akaashi saw every bit of it. Bokuto's form was perfect to him. He looked at him in awe. He wowed him. Every single spike Bokuto did made Akaashi jump or so his heart did.

— 4weeks later—

Akaashi sat in his room, studying as usual. He sighed and decided to take a break. He took his phone and looked at the time "6:45pm only?" Well, that did seem long for him since he didn't want to study at all. His mother knocked on his door and came in with 2 glasses juice and bowls fruit.
" mom? Why are you bringing two glasses?" He asked

"Oh, dear did u not hear me when I said our new neighbours are coming to visit us?"


"Oh well, come out and meet them."

He followed his mother out to the family room. His father was there chatting with another male. Next to him was a boy. He seemed to be the same age? Older perhaps. Oh, he recognised the hair. Black and white. However it wasn't spiked up so he could be wrong? Right?

"Keiji meet our new neighbours the bokuto's"

"The bokuto's?!" Akaashi exclaimed. He covered his mouth quickly as soon as he saw everyone look at him. Everyone except the boy. He seemed to be laughing? Akaashi sighed.

The mother hit him on the head "kou turn around. Meet your neighbours!"

The boy turned around. Yep exactly who Akaashi thought it was. Bokuto Koutaro. Fukurodani's captain and ace.
He did look different, his hair was down.. it's not everyday you see Bokuto like that so he took a moment to capture it. His heart skipped a beat. Ha, weird.

He giggled sarcastically " Bokuto-san. Why didn't you tell me?"

Everyone looked surprise.


"Not really."
Bokuto laughed and stood up. He bowed to his mother and father and made his way to Akaashi.

"Right sorry folks, forgot to say we're in the same school and volleyball team!" Bokuto said while he danced his arms around Akaashi neck. Akaashi went red and he didn't understand why. Luckily not that read for the others to realise.

"Oh that makes sense! Wow lucky you two. Please make sure to walk home together everyday." Mrs Bokuto said giving a smile.

"Well, why don't you two go into akaashi's room and chit chat. Us adults will talk here." Mrs Akaashi said.

Akaashi thought it was a bad idea but of course Bokuto exclaimed a yes with no hesitation.

Akaashi told Bokuto to sit down anywhere he wanted so he did.
"Keiji do you think I could have a glass of juice?" Bokuto asked sincerely.
Akaashi sighed as he picked up the glass to give Bokuto. Wait. He paused.
"Bokuto-San did you just call me Keiji?"

"I did, why? Oh no don't tell me I got your first name wrong." He said in a panic type of way. It was really shown in his voice.

"No Keiji is my first name I'm just wondering why."

Why? Bokuto and Akaashi only known eachother for 5weeks and their only relation to each other is setter and Spiker and well, neighbours. Why would he call him Keiji?

"Ah, sorry I just found it cuter to say Keiji. You can call me koutaro if you like so we can be even!"

Koutaro. He did like his name. Akaashi thought it was cute. So is kou. Ah let's just avoid confusion and call him koutaro.

"Alright, koutaro."

For the first time Akaashi smiles genuinely at Bokuto.

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