chapter 5: Their confession.

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[warning: some boyxboy in this chapter]

It was 5;43pm when club ended, a Friday meaning school finished early. Akaashi and Bokuto were back to usual and their attacks have been getting better. It's been a good 4 months since [y/n] confessed to Bokuto and well, she was turned down. However [y/n] got over it within 2 months and all 3 of them are good friends now. In fact she took it upon herself to become the volleyball team's manager!

Akaashi and Bokuto were walking home together again. Bokuto was talking about Hinata Shouyo from Karasuno and how he and their setter Kageyama Tobio did this quick attack. He asked Akaashi if they could do something like that to which Akaashi bluntly declined and said to work on their own quirks and techniques. A while into the walk things began to get quiet,, it hadn't been quiet in a long time so Akaashi got curious. Bokuto was looking up towards the stars unaware of where he was walking. Akaashi starred at him for a bit - he did think Bokuto was cute. In fact Akaashi developed a sort of feeling towards Bokuto not the friend type of feeling the type of feeling to protect the one you love... a crush.

"Look out!!" Akaashi yelled while dancing his way to Bokuto to catch him. However he just fell alongside Bokuto and they both ended up near a riverbank.

"Ita.. sorry Keiji I wasn't looking where I was going." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's fine, just don't distract yourself again. You could've gotten badly hurt and I would've felt responsible for that!"


"Because I'm with you Koutaro."

"Oh. Well thank you Keiji. I'll be there for you too" he gave a large smile and stood up. Akaashi was still starring at him while Bokuto took his hand at lifted him up from the bank.

[ from here on continued there will be some boyxboy] if you don't like it PLEASE don't read.

They reached infront of their houses and parted ways. Akaashi's mother and father were on a buisness trip so he had the whole house to himself for about 3weeks. The summer holidays have started meaning BBQs and pool trips. Only if he had someone to spend it with. During his loss track Akaashi received a message on his phone.

-send by: Bokuto-san

Hey keijiiiiii ! My parents aren't home for a couple of weeks and I was wondering if we could hang out!! Sleep over perhaps!? My mom told me your parents are on a trip too coincidence right?
- received [7:23pm]

Akaashi sighed, even his messages are full of energy and he's not even in the room. He thought deeply as some bad thoughts came into play in his mind. He slapped his face forcefully. "Damn it Akaashi keep your cool this is Bokuto we're talking about of course... OFCOURSEHEWOULDBEENEEGETICINBED" He exclaimed the last bit very loudly. That loudly to the fact that his neighbours could hear. However, unfortunately for Akaashi. His neighbour Bokuto koutaro was in his house. At the door of the room he exclaimed those very words. He heard every single word. He was smiling? No he was smirking.

"Wanna test that theory Keiji...kun?" He said sheepishly.

Akaashi turned around..

[hey lads yes, THERE WILL BE SOME SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. If you don't like it plsplsplsplsplssss don't read it!!]
also sorry for a short chapter :(

-Charvi :)

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