Chapter 7: secret

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[they're a couple so boyxboy couple things will be going on! ]

Akaashi waited outside bokuto's door for him, they did have a sleepover but Bokuto forgot his school uniform at his place. It was a bright day. The sun was out and the blossom trees nearby danced as the world whirled around them. Akaashi took a moment to breathe into the atmosphere. That only lasted a good 40seconds until Bokuto, now his boyfriend wrapped his arms around him and picked up up from behind.
"How's my boyfriend doing this morning?"
"He's doing fine. How's mine?"
Bokuto just gave off a large smile and held Akaashi's hand and walked towards school. As they came closer to the school they let go and went all buddy buddy. No one should know about their relationship. It was their secret.

They waved goodbye before homeroom and sat in their classes. However none of them could stop thinking about the night before. Akaashi then felt a tap on his shoulder. It was [y/n].
"Good morning Akaashi-kun!" She said in a cheerful way.
"Morning, something happened?"
"Mhm! I got myself a boyfriend!"
"Oh,sa-" he cut his tracked, this girl used to like your boyfriend you can't just say you're dating him now! Is what Akaashi thought.
"I mean, that's cool. Do I know him?"
"He's part of your prefecture. His name is Kuroo Tetsuro from Nekoma!"
Damn. That kuroo what did she see in him.
"Wow, him? If he does anything to you tell me okay."
She smiled and headed off.

The bell rang meaning it was club time. Akaashi walked towards the club room door to get changed. He forgot the foundation.
" hello everyone." He said while walking into the door. There were only two boys there. Tatsuki Washio and Yamato Sarukui. Tatsuki was the first to noticed. Akaashi was taking his school shirt off when he nudged Yamato and whispered in his ear.
" oi Yama do you see that?"
"Oh god yeah"
"Akaashi is growing upppp" ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ') he said a bit louder. Yamato joined in with the crying and nodded. This made Akaashi turn around to face those two.
"What's up?" He asked them.
That moment Bokuto came in the room.
"Hey hey hey!"
All 3 greeted them and Akaashi put his blue shirt on, the neck of the shirt was wide so it clearly showed some of Akaashi's lower neck. Bokuto was in shock. Akaashi what were you thinking! I thought I was the careless one he said to himself.
Yamato came to Bokuto and whispered in his ear "Bokuto do you think Akaashi lo-" Bokuto cut him off with hush. He put his bag down and grabbed Akaashi tightly by the hand.
"Ow Senpai!" He said as he left the room alongside Bokuto.
Yamato looked at Tatsuki and Tatsuki looked at Yamato. They looked back at the door those two just exited and got the same idea.
"Yamato..." Tatsuki said "did Akaashi just call Bokuto, "senpai" instead of ' Bokuto-san'?"
The silence was total for a good minute before it was cut off with a gasp. "THEY DID IT?"
Said them both, it ended with giggles and the rest of the team entered the room with clueless faces.

Bokuto took Akaashi to the back of gym where no one would be.
"Akaashi how could you be so careless!"
"Huh?" Akaashi still hadn't realised that he didn't cover up to marks completely. Must've been the areas hard to reach.
Bokuto sighed.
"Hey hey, those marks. You didn't cover them up and those two must've figured it out!"
"Ugh fuck me, I forgot!" Akaashi said slamming his foot against the floor.
"I'll do it later"
Akaashi looked up to a grinning Bokuto, seemingly Akaashi forgot his words and when he did he became tsundere again. "Oh no I didn't mean it like that!!" Akaashi exclaimed, he was only cut off my Bokuto kissing him lips and walking towards to entrance if the gymnasium. Leaving Akaashi with a flustered face.

"Guys this will be our last 3 matches until nationals so do your best!" Bokuto said.
"Akaashi do you have something to say?" He asked Akaashi who was fiddling with his hands.
"I- uuh forgot to tell you about the Karasuno training camp..." exhilarating shouts came from everyone, "we get to see shrimp again!" Yamato said.
"Ah, Keiji how did you forget?"
everyone was shocked.
"Say Bokuto-kun, you and Akaashi-san have gotten closer.. haven't you?"
Akaashi kept his cool and walked towards where Yamato was talking to Bokuto.
"I insisted him calling me Keiji..well sometimes because.. Ah, sorry we forgot to say that we're neighbours."
"Oh, okay! I though you two were dating HAHA; although nothing wrong with it but just imagine the poor girls that would be heartbroken to see Bokuto taken :("
well, Bokuto's gay anyways rest in peace females. Akaashi thought.

-after practice-
"Keiji I want ice creeaaammmm!"
"Koutaro, you're gonna get fat."
Sighingly Akaashi agreed.
They entered the shop and Akaashi picked out a almond milk ice cream and Bokuto picked cookies and cream. They exited the shop saying their thanks to the shop keeper but infront of them there was Kageyama and Hinata from Karasuno.
Hinata's eyes sparkled.
"Bokuto-kunnnn!!!" He exclaimed
"Hey hey hey!"
Akaashi and Kageyama let those two bond off for a bit.
"So what are you two doing here" Akaashi asked.
"Oh, Hinata wanted meat buns.. we just finished our individual practice."
"Oh? You mean setter and Spiker practice by yourselves? That's amazing."
Kageyama and Akaashi don't talk as much (I want Akaashi and Kageyama to have some friendship moments grrrr)
"Well, did you know Hinata and I are dating?"
"K-Kageyama! We didn't have to tell them!!!" Hinata said flustered.
"Geehee, no worries we fully support because me and kei-OWW"
Akaashi elbowed him in the stomach.
"Bokuto-san, it's only been a day."
Of course, Bokuto was upset about not telling them two but he shut up for the rest of the time. They both bowed and said goodbye to eachother. "See you at training camp on Sunday!" Hinata exclaimed back before running to catch up with Kageyama. Akaashi did the same. However he just dragged Bokuto alongside him. "Stop. Being. Annoying."
"But keiijiiiii" Bokuto whined. Akaashi pulled Bokuto to the corner and put him in a position where he couldn't escape from.
"oya oya?"
well, Akaashi wasn't trying to pull any dirty pranks he disciplined Bokuto. (Ah,Yes go mom Akaashi!)
He sighed and told Bokuto that they have to keep their relationship a secret. Although the teammates already know, they're both pretty predictable.

-day of Karasuno camp-
"Hey hey hey, Hinata-kun!"
Akaashi was just watching while helping Suga get their stuff of the bus.
"They act like father and son don't they Akaashi-kun?"
"H-huh, yeah.. yeah?"
Suga giggled.. just for a bit before becoming scary.
"I won't let you and Bokuto take my son!"
"W-What?" Akaashi stuttered. He knew Suga and karasuno's captain Daichi were a couple but he didn't know they were THE parents of Karasuno. That made Akaashi curious to think there were more couples at Karasuno.
"Hey, Suga-san, keep this between us please"

"Oh goodness!!" Suga exclaimed with glee "I knew it!"
Akaashi was just blushing shyly at suga's reaction (woo! Mom squad)
"Well, I'm sure this practice match won't even get you two to polish on your techniques but perhaps get closer as lovers"
"Of course, were both here for 3 days. I've also got few couples to put together"
"Let me join.."
Akaashi shyly tugged in, Suga wasn't expecting shy little Akaashi to tug into something like this but he recognised it was probably Bokuto's doing.

"Akaashi are you a virgin."
Suga calmed him down. Well answer said. Time to move on.

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