Chapter 3:Bokuto and Akaashi

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[there will be strong language in the chapter. You've be warned if you don't like to see this please do not read.]

The bell rang meaning school classes were over and club activities have begun. Akaashi picked up his bags and made his way out of the classroom only to be stopped by [y/n].
[y/n] asked "Akaashi do you have 5 minutes?"
She made it sound important so he nodded and went to where she wanted to talk. Seems like it had to be private.

" Akaashi, you're my only male friend and I need some advice.."

he sucked at giving advice.

she continued "I like someone. He's older than us.. in fact he's one of our senpai's I am not sure if you know him but ahh, I'm rambling!!"

he sucked at giving advice about love.

he stood up and sighed patting [y/n] on the head.

"Well as long as it's not me we're fine."

He didn't mean to say that. He looked down to see a very shocked girl. She seemed to be on the verge of tears. Well done Akaashi you fucked up.

"Ora I'm sorry, I'm not good at advice who is it let me try and-"

"No it's okay and it's Bokuto Koutaro in class 2-B"

bokutokoutarobokutokoutarobolutokoutaro his mind raced THE BOKUTO KOUTARO??




[y/n] called out at him with a worried expression. He apologised and explained that Bokuto is in fact his neighbour and in the volleyball team. She was glad knowing that her best male friend knew her crush it would atleast make it less awkward. Right?

"Well, I'll see what I can do" he said before saying goodbye and parting ways. He entered the volleyball gym and everyone stared at him.

"Agaashe! You're 15minutes late! What is this?" Captain Bokuto said.

"You're one to talk" Akaashi replied while placing his bag down and walking into the court. "Let me toss to you then, it might shut you up"

As usual Bokuto's spikes were on point and Akaashi's tosses were sharp. In fact, the team saw this as their trump card. They were a indestructible duo.

Practice went out for long again...2hours at the least. Bokuto and Akaashi walked home together since they were neighbours and their mothers insisted. The days were getting darker and colder meaning it was dangerous. It was a quiet and tranquil walk home..well it only last for a good 10minutes before Bokuto ruined the peace with his noisy self.

"Keiji! Why won't you let me call you Keiji at school!" Bokuto sighed while giving off a pouty face.

"Well kou-san, it would be weird if people randomly saw us all buddy buddy, I don't even let my own classmates call me Keiji be more respectful"


"Grrr? You said grrr?"

"Yes I grrrr"

"And what do you mean by grrr Kou-san?"

"I mean!!"

Bokuto leaped on Akaashi an pulled his cheeks."Keiji you're disrespecting you're senpai! Be more nicer meanie"

"G-gew toff meh!" Akaashi spoke, gibberish and Bokuto didn't seem to understand. He had Akaashi on my floor and he merely sat on top of him [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] pinching his cheeks till they went bright red, although some of it wasn't bokuto's doing just Akaashi going red. Bokuto noticed.

— a fEw MiNuTeS lAtEr—

Bokuto got off Akaashi and pulled him up. They restarted to walk and well, it wasn't quiet anymore. They were both laughing due to the situation— Bokuto was laughing because of how Akaashi looked and Akaashi was laughing because bokuto's laugh was damn funny and cute but mostly funny.

"Well this is where we part off, see you Bokuto"
Akaashi sincerely said while bowing to his senpai.

"Cut the formality bro, why don't you come inside my folks aren't home and I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind!"

"Maybe but I should atleast tell them. I also want to place my bags down and get into something comfy and clean ahah" he rubbed the back of his neck timidly,, was that rude of me? He thought. He looked up slowly to see a huge smile on bokuto's face.

"Of course! Me too actually, well just come straight over after you're done okay Keiji?"

Akaashi nodded and went inside his house. He said his greetings to his mother and told her he would be going over to bokuto's and she bluntly accepted as long as he was home at 9pm it was all good. Akaashi's mother ran a bath while he went to his room and placed his bags down only to come down to the bathroom with fresh clothes. Casually he sat down in the bath and ran his thoughts. "Sooo I promised [y/n] that I would get Bokuto-san to notice her but how do I even bring it up? Oh gosh what if Bokuto ends up gay?! Oh goshdjksjdjaj" the last bit was muffled and water of course Akaashi would think that but he didn't want to see [y/n] sad. "Maybe I should just say it"

Akaashi found himself in front of the door of the Bokuto residence. Surprisingly the door was already open. "Oi Bokuto-san are u dumb why would you leave your door open? Bokuto-san?" Akaashi looked across the downstairs floor only to not find a Bokuto at all. Meaning he was upstairs. "Sorry for the intrusion." He opened the doors to several rooms and came to the last room on that floor. The door had a notice saying "don't disturb Owl playing volleyball." This is bokuto's room. "I'm coming in." He said as he turned the door handle to let him in. He only came face to face with a shirtless Bokuto who had headphones on his ears. Akaashi could hear the music from where he was meaning it was loud. " b-b-b-Bokuto-san!!" Akaashi went bright red but Bokuto still hadn't noticed him. Akaashi just stood there. Red as a tomato taking in all that was there for show until Bokuto took his headphones on and put a shirt on he aimlessly starred and honestly I bet he drooled a bit too.
Bokuto saw him.
They locked eyes.

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