chapter 8:The game

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Akaashi woke up from his bed and opened his phone to check the time. He groaned as he stood up and walked towards the bathroom to wash his face. The dark haired boy walked into the kitchen to grab some water.
"Huh, Suga-san? Daichi san?"
The 3 just stood staring at eachother. Daichi didn't have a top on but had a towel around his neck as if he just came out of a shower and Suga was wearing... Daichi' Shirt? It was kinda big for him.
"what are you doing up, Akaashi?" Daichi asked.
"I could say the same for you. I was just getting some water."
"oh okay...aha we'll see you at 9am!"
"Yeah..." he watches as those two left the kitchen and went upstairs. They were hold in hands.. akaashi knew what was up but he didn't question. Suga told him there were probably more couples at Karasuno. He went to the fridge to get a water jug and grabbed a glass from the shelf "apart from Hinata, Kageyama and Suga, Daichi... who else is a couple?" He finished the glass and put it in the sink for a wash before leaving the kitchen.
" hey Akaashi-kuunnn" He turned around to see Yachi-san rubbing her eyes from the girls room. "What are you doing up?" She asked.
"Oh I just went to get some water. You?"
"I normally watch Hinata and Kageyama leave for their morning run but they don't seem up"
She rubbed her eyes and went back to the room and [y/n] came out.
"[y/n]-chan?! What are you doing here?"
"Akaashi-kun, did you forget I'm Fukurodani's manager now. Bakaashi!" Akaashi had forgotten so he apologised and went back to his room whilst [y/n] went to the kitchen to prepare for today.Bokuto and him we're sharing a room with Konoha, luckily none of them were up. Akaashi took out his phone and decided to look over today's schedule.
9:00- wake up
9:45- breakfast
10:00 practice
12:30- lunch
7:00- practice over
8-40- dinner
It was a pretty basic schedule so Akaashi didn't need to worry. He put his phone under his pillow and went back to bed. (Don't do that irl that's bad bad)

"AGAASHEE WAKE UPPPP" Bokuto yelled. He practically woke up the whole building!
"Bokuto-san quiet down"
Konoha walked through the door.
"As if you can't be an louder!!" He yelled "come on we have few before wake up you can get ready Both of you."
Akaashi got up and walked to his bag for some clothes. Bokuto did the same and they both walked to the bathroom.
"I'll go in first, wait here."
"AkAAASHi!! We've already seen eachother don't worry!"
"B-but Bokuto-s-"
Bokuto hushed him with a kiss and walked in.
"Senpai to you..come on!"
Akaashi didn't say anything except follow him.

The water rushed down Akaashi's back while he took a moment to breathe in the atmosphere. The water at the camp was surprisingly good. He turned of the tap and put a towel around him before stepping out to brush his teeth.

"inTo tHe uNkNoooWwNnnN!! iNtOo tHe uNkNoooWWNnn!! Ah- AGAASHE!!?"
the horrendous singing belonged the one and only Bokuto Koutaro. He also just stepped out from the shower room and into the mirror and sink area to brush his teeth. However he forgot Akaashi went in with him and didn't wear a towel around him.

"B-bokuto?? San..." while saying so he looked down Bokuto and his words muffled. He flushed bright red. "K-Koutarou!!!"
"Oh! Sorry Keiji.. I forgot!" He rubbed the back of his neck and covered up. Despite that he walked closer to the flushed blushing raven haired boy and whispered into his ear 'like what you saw huh?' Akaashi pushed him off and covered his face 's-stop!'
"Alright sorry sorry, Keiji..kun"
Akaashi's heart fluttered at the word 'kun' Bokuto wasn't always formal but the formality made him feel at home a bit. It was lovely to hear Bokuto say such things it only made him fall more in love with the boy.. though mid thought how much do I know about him?  His mind blanked out. They have been together for atleast 2 weeks but have either of them put in enough effort? They've been so busy with practice and exams they never went on a real date. All they did was have sex but they didn't really.. make their relationship official? Did they?

"Bokuto-san.. what do you think about us?"

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