Chapter 39: Don't be Jelly, Belly

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Monday Night Raw June 11th 

Bella had a handicap match against Kaitlyn and AJ tonight, thanks to the wonderful John Laurinitis. At least this time, only one of the girls would be allowed in the ring at once.

She waited in the ring for her opponents, sitting cross legged.

First Kaitlyn's music played. She walked down the ring with a smirk on her face and waited outside the ring for her partner. 

Aj's music played next, and she skipped down the ring with Daniel Bryan by her side.

It was times like this that made Bella wish she had friends to accompany her to her matches. 

Bella stood up with a glare on her face as Aj and Kaitlyn got in the ring. She handed her title to the ref but not before giving it a kiss.

Kaitlyn agreed to start for their team, and the bell rang signaling the start of the match.

Bella and Kaitlyn locked up. Kaitlyn immediately overpowered her and pushed her down.

Kaitlyn taunted Bella, before she hit a drop toe hold into a half crab on her right knee.

Kaitlyn writhed in pain as Bella applied pressure causing her knee to point up at the ceiling.

"You got it Kaitlyn!" Aj yelled, trying to pump up her teammate.

Kaitlyn used her strength to drag them both to the corner. Bella used the full four seconds before letting go. Bella wrapped her right knee around the rope and pulled on it.

"1! 2! 3!" the ref yelled.

Kaitlyn screamed as the ref got to four and he said, "Back it up Bella!"

"I heard you the first time idiot!"

She backed up giving Kaitlyn time to stand up, but she had already done a lot of damage. Kaitlyn could barely stand up straight and was putting all of her weight on one leg.

Bella noticed this, so she was quick to aim kicks at Kaitlyn's weakened knees.

With every kick, she yelled, "Yes!" at Daniel, and the crowd began chanting with her. Then she hit a pair of spinning back fists on Kaitlyn before Irish whipping her onto the opposite ropes. When she bounced off, Bella hit a pelé kick. She pinned Kaitlyn for a two count. Then she hit a standing knee drop, before climbing to the top rope. 

She went for a senton bomb, but Kaitlyn put her knees up. She created enough separation to climb to the ropes and tag Aj in. 

Aj got in at the same time that Bella got up. Bella went for a clothesline but Aj ducked it and hit her with a spinning heel kick.

While Bella was down, playing possum, Aj climbed to the top rope, preparing to go for a crossbody. But Bella caught her. She lifted her above her head and threw her out the ring onto Daniel. He caught her, but Bella ran to the other side of the ring for momentum and suicide dove threw the middle rope to take out both Aj and Daniel. 

The crowd was completely behind her.

Then she grabbed Aj and threw her back into the ring.

She covered the smaller woman, and the ref began to count. But his count was interrupted by Daniel pulling Bella out of the ring.

While she was on the ground, she heard a familiar song. 

Look in my eyes

What do you see?

A cult of personality

Punk came running down the ramp to the aid of Bella knocking over Daniel as he stood over her. 

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