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• Confused Mixed with Pride •


Pulling her black maxi dress up a bit, Hex huffed in frustration as splashes of sea water touched the hem of her dress. It’s been a long time since she wore something that wasn’t slacks and saying that it was uncomfortable for her to move is an undestatement. Shuffling in her seat, Hex stared at the growing Island in front of her, a clear sign that she was getting closer to Cake Island.

At first, Hex declined Sengoku’s task, telling him that she wasn’t ready yet for a heavy task such as infiltrating Big Mom’sisland. After all, what could a fifteen year old possibly do against a Yonkai?

After multiple times trying to beg Sengoku to give the task to another marine, the admiral scolded her for being weak minded, telling the silver haired girl that she should be grateful the higher ups were giving her something confidential as the one she’s being assigned on. Showing how disappointed she was after asking for a request for the very first time after joining the marines, Sengoku tried comforting her by telling the girl how brave she was for infiltrating the Red Haired Pirates who were also now introduced to the public as one of the Emperors of the Sea and for coming back alive.

Hearing the Admiral’s praises, Hex had nothing to do but accept the task.

Pulling her boat to the coast, tying it to a nearby rock in case the water goes high, Hex gave a loud huff before taking the large container box that’s been with her since she sailed. The cover Sengoku and Hex had made was for her to act as a traveller, offering Big Mom a large beehive, claiming it to have the sweetest honey in the world in exchange for a tour for two weeks around the whole island.

After asking a couple of trees that were weirdly speaking jolly to her, Hex finally found her way to Big Mom’s large palace, meeting the Yonkai herself. The silver haired girl almost fainted from nervousness after seeing how huge Big Mom was, but tried her best to regain her composure and tell the Yonkai the words she had memorised before travelling.

Hearing her explanation, Big Mom gave her thanks for Hex’s gift and told her how grateful she is for the silver haired girl to come all the way to her. Hex thought that all was going according to plan until Big Mom suddenly gave her two options in order to travel around Cake Island. The first one was to become a normal citizen and offer the Yonkai a part of her soul or get married to one of her kids.

Before Hex can even give her answer, - which was to decline both offers and leave the island the same day -  Big Mom suddenly told her that it was better if she just got married to her second eldest son, suddenly interested in having a silver haired grandchild for no actual reason.

Too shocked to tell the Yonkai that she wasn’t interested, Hex suddenly found herself standing in front of a huge door, there stood the man she was going to marry, raising his brow at her. At first, Hex feared that the man would see through her cover but to her surprise, the man was kind enough to greet her and offer a hand, telling him his name. Katakuri, as he introduced himself, toured Hex around the castle, telling her to ask anything she wanted for her to know the gist of the island since she’ll be living there after being married to him.

Even though the whole situation was absurd, Hex looked at the bright side and used the privelege to ask Katakuri about him, his family, and the island, completing her task a week before being married off.

The day of the wedding, Big Mom was excited with her huge wedding cake with Hex and Katakuri above it, the latter giving his written vows to the silver haired girl. After hearing his empty promises, Hex pulled out her own written vows, stopping time. Giving one last look to the man in front of her, Hex reached for his hands pulling the paper he was holding on to and threw it away, replacing it with her paper instead.

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