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•Is That Even Food?•


It was the girl's first day in the navy's main headquarters. Entering the island, she felt intimidated by all the new faces that surrounded her. It was her first time leaving her homeland and she was already missing it. She wanted to go back and stay with her comrades but she had to leave for the opportunity the admiral gave.

She was given two weeks to roam around the island, to discover and mingle with other people. After fourteen days, she was ordered to immediately go under training. The free time given to her was a blessing said by others but for her, it only made her home sickness grow because of how lonely she felt.

Walking the silent streets by herself, she met a smoking woman along the way. She was wearing a burgundy- purple colored two piece suit and under it is a white button up shirt, just like others, the outfit was completed by the navy jacket draped over her shoulders. All in all, the woman was beautiful but what caught the eyes of the girl was the woman's long pink hair.

The woman, feeling the eyes of the kid, turned at her direction, raising a brow. She wasn't aware who the girl is and by the look she was giving her, she was new to the place. Asking the kid, the pink haired woman questioned what her agenda was and if she could help. To say she was surprised was an understatement after hearing the girl's words.

The kid was personally hired by Sengoku, her boss. The woman was sure that he took no one under his wing, even with someone with so much potential. That being said, she was sure that there's something special about the kid. Having her interest with the girl, she politely introduced herself as Hina.

When the marine asked for her name, she couldn't tell anything. The girl had no name. Used of being called 'kid', 'oi', 'girl', she never thought of naming herself.

Telling that to her new found friend, Hina, both of them took their time thinking of suitable names for her. Having no idea in mind, Hina asked the kid what her favorite hobby was which the girl then replied with 'potion making'. It was intriguing but the woman shrugged it off and think about words that can be used as a name that is connected to the girl's interest.

A sudden name popped into the woman's mind, after telling it, the girl gave her the brightest smile and nodded her head, making Hina grin too.

"I think it suits you, being a future marine with a powerful skill, that name will get stuck in their heads. They will think that you have the power of witch craft with the potions you'll create. Pirates and other wrong doers will be cast on a spell. So let's start again shall we?"

"My name's Hina, and you little girl?"

"Hex! My name is Hex!"



It was all Flare could feel.

Her eyes shot open and her teeth clatter. With trembling lips, she let out a weak sigh. Scanning the place with her blurred vision, she realized she was inside the small bedroom in the bunkhouse. How she got there, she had no idea and base on how her mind was spinning, she has no time to think about it.

Pulling the sheets over her, she tried going back to sleep but to her misfortune, the thickness of it wasn't enough and she still felt cold. As seconds pass by, her body started freezing, the clattering of her teeth became louder and her body was shaking uncontrollably. The low temperature was starting to seep in her veins, her breathing difficult.

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