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Suddenly Sleepy


Easier said than done.

Everything happened too fast; one second, people around Hex greeted her with full enthusiasm and then the next, all guns were pointed towards her, different eyes glaring at her in suspicion as they tried their best to hold her back.

Hex growled in disappointment as the tip of Red Haired Shanks' saber sunk a tad bit deeper against the skin on her chin as he glared down on her with his fiery eyes.

A week had passed since her successful infiltration and she was able to acquire small informations that the crew only knew. All was going well until Shanks suddenly started asking random questions about her, telling her that it was part of the process being in the ship. As she answered them one after the other, all of a sudden, members of the pirate crew suddenly jumped into their feet, branding her as an enemy.

At first, Hex was baffled raising her arms, continuing the act of innocence until the red haired man snarled at her, telling that her answers don't match each other. Realizing the grave mistake she made, she sighed in defeat, pulling out her dagger. Giving up the mission of infiltration, the young girl put up a fight for an hour and a half but to her disappointment, she was overpowered by too many pirates making her fall onto her knees.

Shanks was repeatedly asking questions and each time he noticed that she was lying, his sword sunk deeper down her neck.

Anytime of the day, Hex would've used her devilfruit ability to escape her situation but with unknown reasons, after using it for a good hour after fighting the crew, her ability suddenly stopped working making things far worse than she had imagined.

As Yasopp, one of the captain's trusted crew and pal placed a gun on her temple, another growl escaped her lips as she tried her best to activate her ability once more. As she struggled by herself, a sudden pain pierced right through her temple making her wince. It was bearable at first but as the seconds passed, the pain was starting to get through her making her breath hitch.

Seeing her pained face, the pirates only assumed she was faking it to be free but to their surprise, the young lady suddenly fell face first on the deck, eyes closed and body limp. Yasopp tried poking the girls shoulder with his gun but when he received nothing as a response, he suddenly panicked making others around him act the same.

Shanks with a raised brow ordered Yasopp to move aside as he walked towards the girl, checking if she really did faint or was just faking it. After raising her head as he placed a hand on her forehead, his eyes suddenly grew wide, gaze falling straight on their ship's doctor as he picked the young girl up.

"Move aside, I'll take Hex in the infirmary. She's burning. We need to give her proper medication."


There were two ways to enter the inhibited island Ace and Flare were staying at; one is that you should have an eternal log pose that'll take you directly at the islet and two, you should have luck behind your back to find the small island covered in fog that was often by passed by ships.

For Flare, the latter was the best reason behind the rowdy pirates sudden appearance in front of her as there was no way that these dirty old men had the chance to own an eternal log pose that records the land.

If Flare was going to be completely honest with herself, she would've admitted defeat and start running for her dear life earlier before the man who touched her started talking. Her condition still wasn't the best and fighting while healing was a big risk. If only the blind spots on the place she was in weren't blocked by the pirates surrounding her, she could've escaped without a problem. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she tried to calm her mind, readying her still healing body for the battle.

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