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It was ambivalent. Yoongi had no idea if it were the medication, the blow to his head or the mere experience of sleeping in a bed for the first time, but each time he resolved to stay awake after a wakeup call and interrogation, he slipped into slumber within seconds.

Yoongi eventually stirred. From the snowpack window, he saw the vivid gleam of dawn peek over the magnificent magenta horizon through the cold snowfall and felt as its warm rays kissed upon his cheek. He groaned in protest, his body was not in the mood to cooperate. He felt every movement and wondered if he would be able to stand without assistance.

He contemplated the future when he realized that he would have to go back out there, in the blizzard, to reality. Where would he go? Surely he could not survive without a thick winter coat or shelter for long and the last thing he would want is to run into his assailants again. Although he knew of other hide-outs, without a coat or blanket his chances of survival were nonexistent.

At the moment, prison did not seem as daunting as before. He would have a roof over his head and the basic jailhouse diet-three meals per day. Although he assumed he would become the prison's 'toy', it was the dream.

However, he brushed said thoughts off. He had survived just fine thus far without the need to resort to such extremes and he knew he would lose all will to go on if he allowed it. He had to survive or perish in peace.

He needed his clothes and he needed to run.

Easier said than done. His vision hazed over as he lifted his head from the pillow and his body screamed in protest. He heaved himself upright which only aggravated his injuries further. His head shot towards the door when a knock resonated. He cursed under his breath and his plan immediately flowed down the drain. He was screwed.

Soojin had told him that Hoseok promised to return, but Yoongi never believed her. Well, he had not until said other emerged from the door with a garish beam plastered to his face.

"I was afraid you'd still be asleep," Hoseok said.

"Sleep seems to be frowned upon at this establishment."

It was silly, but Yoongi shut his eyes when Hoseok chortled with hopes that the angelic sound would permanently commit to his memory. There was a stupid grin on his lips, but Hoseok must have thought he was in pain because his laughter trailed off. Yoongi opened his eyes as the sound died.

Hoseok crossed the room to come within range. He deposited a couple cups of what appeared to be coffee, on the table nearby. He dragged a chair beside the hospital bed and sat upon it.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I got my ass thoroughly kicked, but I'm alive so...there's that."

Yoongi leaned back against the pillows, because his body ached from sitting. He hissed when a set of stitches pulled.

Hoseok knitted his brows together. It was odd, but Yoongi wanted to run his finger along the slight crease that appeared in his forehead to smooth it out again.

"Are they giving you anything for pain?"

"Yeah, but I can still feel it. It's not unbearable but..." he fumbled with the buttons on the bed to sit up without strain on his bruised muscles, but accidently had it too far and angled back down. Through the entire ordeal, Hoseok's eyes never left him and he moved to the edge of his seat as though he prepared to assist the moment he needed it. Those who said 'chivalry is dead' are wrong.

"I'll talk to the nurse."

"It's fine," Yoongi said with a dismissive hand, but Hoseok was unconvinced and Yoongi knew he would eventually push the subject. At least for that moment, he let it slide.

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