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"Okay, so where do you plan to go?"

Hoseok's sharp eyes and hardened expression pierced through Yoongi's entire soul, he raised his chin as though he had already won this petty argument and, no matter how beautiful he may be, Yoongi desperately wanted to wack it off his face. Yoongi was as stubborn as a mule, even he knew it, but he genuinely had no other answer to said question and he surely was not going to allow Hoseok to do this. He had done too much for him already.

Instead of a verbal response, Yoongi shot him a glare which did him no justice as a satisfied grin crept up Hoseok's lips.

"Exactly. You're staying with me."


"No. I'm not leaving you to freeze to death after all this. I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," he said firmly.

"I can take care of—"

Hoseok's svelte hand flitted, an equally stubborn visage graced his perfect face.

"I want you to. C'mon, it'll be fun," he said, "besides, now I won't be alone on Christmas morning. So really, you're doing me a favor by keeping me company. I promise that when you're feeling up to it we can look into getting you back on your feet, but until then you are staying with me. End of discussion."

Yoongi was speechless. Hoseok really hit him with a 'point blank periodt'. He pouted. Their squabble began since dawn, and it all began when Yoongi found out that Hoseok had paid his medical bills as though it was pocket change. Yoongi was completely dumbfounded, Soojin had accidently spilled the beans and Hoseok looked quite amused at Yoongi's outburst.

They were told that Yoongi would be discharged after a few more tests, and that was when the argument started.

Yoongi did not know what to make of Hoseok and his strange generosity. Did he want something in return? He contemplated the thought. To repay such debt would be hardship, but was that what he truly wanted?

About to retort, a doctor emerged through the door with a clipboard in hand for a final examination. When the doctor reminded Yoongi that he would have to return some time later to remove his various stitches, Hoseok, who stood behind the doctor, stuck out his tongue. Yoongi pursed his lips to stifle his laughter. Yoongi wanted to return the playfully gesture when the doctor turned his back to him, but to his dismay Hoseok had his 'important business man' face on and listened to the doctor with rapt attention.

It was simultaneously adorable and annoying.

When the doctor made his egress, Yoongi narrowed his feline-like eyes at the younger. "So, what are you going to do if I refuse to cooperate?"

"You won't," Hoseok said with a smile and reached for the duffle bag nearby that Yoongi had not noticed. "Soojin said she thought you might be able to go home today and your clothes were pretty ruined so...I got you a couple things to get you through the next couple days. We'll have to go shopping eventually, but—"


Unbelievable. More of his money just flowed down the drain because of him. Yoongi wanted to throw his pillow at Hoseok's head when he, with an innocent beam, raised a dismissive hand as though his protests were irrelevant.

"Early Christmas presents. I had to guess sizing, but I think it'll be okay," Hoseok peered at the clothes in the duffle bag, "oh, and I got you a coat too. It's not a very good one, but it'll be enough until I get you home and then we can look into a better one."

"People aren't this nice. I didn't do anything to deserve any of this," Yoongi complained, "I can't even begin to pay any of this back." As beautiful as he was, and as attached Yoongi had already become to him, he could not let this continue. How could he be so selfish and let this poor man continue his kind-hearted antics?

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