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Normally Yoongi had nightmares, but tonight he dreamt of heaven. He dreamt of drawn out kisses heart-shaped smiles, of strong caramel arms and whispered love confessions. But, as wonderful as said fantasies were, Hoseok was not the only person to make an appearance in his dreams, he dreamt of his mother.

It must have been a long lost memory he had crumbled and tossed within the deepest depths of his mind. And although the visions were fuzzy, the feelings were as clear as day. There she stood, in the kitchen. She sang along to Noels while she flattened out a lump of cookie dough with a wooden rolling pin. And in the blurry vision, a young boy with a raven bowl cut mumbled along the lyrics he had not memorized as he sloppily pushed his Christmas stocking-shaped cookie cutter into a sheet of dough.

He could not even remember the song, but he remembered her voice and her face. Her kind, warm, cat-like eyes and cute button nose was butchered in the haze, but he saw them clearly.

There was not anything special or extraordinary about the dream, but Yoongi awoke with his fingers wounded into Mickey's fur, and a tear-stained face. He was unsure whether or not they were tears of joy or of longing, but he assumed it was a mix of both.

With his toes stuffed in emotional quicksand, he plunged and sunk deeper and deeper. Overwhelmed with a tsunami of feelings, he was unable to stand on solid ground. He knew he would be unable to sleep after that, and he could not just lay there, but he was too unsettled.

Yoongi slid his feet into his slippers and found his way into the kitchen. Without a fire and flickering Christmas tree lights, the house was eerie and completely dark since the sun sunk beneath the horizon. But it was not hard to make out the route. After all, he was well acquainted with darkness.

After a while, he found the light switch. And after even more time, he found the cabinet which contained glasses and mugs, but nothing compared to the fancy tech refrigerator. It was such overkill and had multiple buttons and an electronic screen, but everything else in the kitchen seemed pretty complicated.

"All I want is some ice," Yoongi muttered. He tried to open the freezer section so that he would not have to use the ice-maker in the door, but of course that would be too easy. He shut it again and regarded the useless symbols above the buttons—as if they would translate themselves as he glared at them.

"If you wanna jump in and help, I'm up for suggestions..." he glanced down at Mickey, who had stuck to his side, but the dog stared at him blankly and wagged its tail.

Yoongi pressed one of the buttons, but nothing happened. With a huff, he pressed the third button, but panicked when he recoiled the ice-filled glass and ice continued to fall out from the machine onto the floor. Quickly, he pressed the button again to make it stop, but instead it turned the ice from crushed pieces into cubes and tumbled out onto the floor.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

He tried but another series of buttons, but nothing worked. Heart in his ears, he found something to catch the ice, but did not get far and slipped on an ice cube. His head throbbed as it collided against the floor and his ribs cried out in agony at the impact. Mickey surged towards his limp body and nudged his cheek, he seemed panicked and barked loudly, but Yoongi was too distracted to focus on the pain. He tried to calm and assure Mickey, but he continued to bark.

For some apparent reason, Yoongi laughed. It was uncontrollable and he could not stop until it transitioned into an odd amalgamation of tears and laughter.

On the plus side, the refrigerator did not spew ice anymore.

Yoongi heaved himself up and slid back to lean against some of the cabinets. He tried to get his emotions in check, but no matter what he did, he could not stop the tears that rolled down his cheeks. And he could not control Mickey, who continued to bark and call for reinforcements either.

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