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Time was something else when it came to Hoseok, Yoongi realized quite early. Time with him just did not seem to work as it did normally, without him. Days in his company fanished as quickly as Christmas did and left it four days behind. Much had changed in the short amount of time they had spent together, plenty joy and happiness was created together.

Their trip to the movies was a great success. Hoseok was right, they were virtually alone and their hands bumped into each other each time they reached into their bucket of butter-powdered popcorn.

That night, when they were seated in front of the fireplace, he handed Yoongi a beautifully wrapped red box. And the contents inside the box only brought more tears. It was gloves, the same Belstaff pair he had given him before on their first encounter. Yoongi pursed his lips, he was reminded of Hoseok's internal kindness. Reminded of the hopelessness he, himself, felt when they were ripped from his frozen hands.

Hoseok pulled Yoongi into a warm embrace and whispered sweet nothings of comfort and assurance into his ear, which chased away the darkness—only he was able to.

The following day, Hoseok took Yoongi shopping, and as much as he protested, Hoseok was as stubborn as a mule and did not take 'no' as an answer. To say the least, Yoongi felt out-of-place in the stores, but Hoseok seemed happy and chose different outfits and accessories, hence why Yoongi refused to argue any further with him since he did not want to embarrass him.

They visited Miyeon at the cafe, but it was more lively than they had anticipated so they had not much time to talk. She was not too happy that Yoongi had lied about his name, but she was also too kindhearted to hold a grudge against him. She even slipped an extra muffin into their bag and upgraded Yoongi's coffee size with a cheery 'Merry Christmas, Yoongi!!!' scribbled on the side. Although small, it made his day and kept a smile on his face.

Through their time, Yoongi had almost forgotten about his stitches, until Hoseok woke him up at the crack of dawn for his appointment.

His heart sank at the realization. This was the end. His fairytale vacation from reality was over and he would have to return to the cold shadows where he belonged. He was terrified to return to those cruel streets, but Hoseok mistook his apprehension as fear for the procedure.

Hoseok reassured him multiple times that it would not hurt, everything would be okay, but Yoongi wanted to scream out how it would hurt way more than he understood.

For the stitches in his head, it was easy to remove, but after quick examination, it was determined that the few along his ribs and the others on his back were not ready and needed a couple more days to heal. Yoongi nearly cried in relief and could not focus on Hoseok, who made arrangements for his next appointment.

When Hoseok, on their way towards the car, turned to Yoongi and said, "We should grab some Korean food on the way. I'm having cravings. Oh, and we could watch the Marvel Universe movies from the beginning tonight. There's much you need to catch up on!" Yoongi knew things were not over yet. He had been granted a reprieve for a little longer.

That night Yoongi discovered the second level of Hoseok's home, the movie room. It was like a mini movie theater with comfortable sofas. He also realized that Hoseok's actual room was located on the upper floor and that he had slept downstairs for Yoongi, which made him want to scold him for being so selfless. But he knew it was pointless, anyway. They curled up on the couch, watched movies and ate junk food until Yoongi fell asleep against his shoulder.

The next morning, when he awoke he found himself covered with a blanket and a pillow beneath his head. You're too kind, Hobi. And beside him, on the couch, lay Mickey cocooned in his warmth. Yoongi was not even surprised anymore, the dog was basically attached to him. He lay supine and threaded his fingers through Mickey's soft brown-white fur, while his mind lingered in the afterglow of the previous night's dreams.

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