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There were many things Yoongi should have done in his life: he should have left him in his dreams, he should have walked away dozens of times, he should have let him find someone worthy of his heart, beauty and kindness. He should have, but he never had the power to resist him.

So much had changed, it felt like a fairy tale. A dream land. For starters, Jeong Hoseok, a man of perfection and beauty, had rubbernecked a homeless person of zero self-worth. A homeless man who happened to be Min Yoongi.

Deep down, he knew he would never have the capability to repay him for all that he had given him, for all the opportunities he had given, and for a life he felt proud and happy of living.

Although the journey was trickey and had its obstacles, Yoongi vowed to work as hard as he could to prove to him that he could be the person Hoseok always believed he could be.

The first couple of months were hectic, intense to say the least. Hoseok had hired a tutor to help Yoongi prepare for his GED test, and while he studied and ran practice tests hours on end, Hoseok tried to get him the proper identification and paperwork to rejoin society. Much to Yoongi's dismay, they did not see each other as often as he prefered, but there seemed to be an unspoken rule that they would always share at least one meal together if Hoseok was not out of town for business.

About a month and a half in, Yoongi took the first section of the test. And he was astounded by the results, he passed. The accomplishment felt monumental. It overwhelmed him with relief and joy and imbued him with a stark spark of hope. And that got him thinking, maybe he was capable, maybe he could actually do more.

When word got out, Hoseok was beyond proud. But Yoongi knew he could not have done it without his moral support and encouragement.

Soon after that, Yoongi finally felt comfortable enough to accept that date Hoseok nagged him about.

Hoseok kept everything low-key, he knew that Yoongi was not as comfortable with his expensive gestures, but the night was absolutely perfect. After their dinner date, Hoseok gave him a goodnight kiss infront of his bedroom door, and it felt like the final thread had been tied after he had sewn Yoongi's damaged heart back together. The latter barely slept that night. He curled up with Mickey under the covers on the left side of the bed and envisioned the future.

With time, he gradually accepted the idea and the possibility of them as a couple. Still, he could not fathom why Hoseok had chosen him out of millions, especially after he had experienced the various types of beauty, wealth and success that came with him regularly. But each time he encountered someone of status, whether it be beauty, career, or wealth, doubt crept up his throat, but he never let it consume him. Instead, he used it as motivation to be better not only for Hoseok but for himself too.

A month later, he had written all his outstanding tests and, to his surprise, passed them. He had done it!

Hoseok wanted to take him out to celebrate, but while he got ready, Yoongi slipped into his room to initiate a different kind of celebration. At first, he was unsure if Hoseok would even want to, but once his surprise waned, he wasted no time. And soon their clothes were muddled on the floor and the sheets ruffled with a beautiful mold of limbs.

It was a wonderful yet terrifying experience, but he could not have asked for anything more. It was perfect.

Hoseok's room gradually morphed into their room, and introductions transitioned from 'my friend, Yoongi-Hyung' to 'my boyfriend, Yoongs'.

Boyfriend, the label took some time to adjust, but so had everything else. Everything took time and patience, and Hoseok poised just that—he was patient and understanding.

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