7. Y.O.L.O

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The nanny arrived early to pick Luke for school and whilst I waved at him before she entered the car, I thought of how I didn't want to have yesterday's conversation with Bob.

Somehow, we didn't have that conversation and I thought I was free but the look on Bob's face said otherwise. As I entered the house, he gestured for me to join him at the dining.

"Bob...we have work." I told him, any excuse was feasible in my books. He raised his hand signalling a minute as he got up and took out his phone. I wondered who he was calling until he mentioned Katherine's name and asked her to cancel every of his meeting and reschedule them.

I opened my mouth in shock "Bob... You really don't have to, this isn't going to take so long" I told him but he shook his head and sat down.

"Let me explain some things to you Alex." He started by saying, drawing my seat closer to him as he held my hands. I resolved to understand him and so, settled to listen.

"I was once young...
"You are still young" I cut in as he nodded in agreement "but this disease has made me older. Whilst in the University, I was handsome...

"And you still are...I thought but made sure I didn't mistakenly say it out but the way he grinned slyly at me, made me aware that he knew what I had in mind.

"And ladies flocked around me. I revelled in it, those were some days of glory... He paused "but I made some decisions. Decisions, that have affected me up until this moment." He got up, letting go of my hands and going to face the window.

I could tell the subject wasn't one he was used to conversing about and I would have tried to ease his tension if not that he began to speak again.

"I did drugs, got drunk and partied wild. For me, it was all good" he shrugged and continued "because I could party all night and be as good as any normal person, the very next day. Everything was going good for me and before my parents passed on, they kept on saying karma was one mean son of a gun."

He shook his head and turned to see if I was still paying attention "But now... I know, it's not really karma, it's the consequences of my sins. I had ladies get pregnant for me and my answer was the same - abortion.

I don't think there was any girl I dated that didn't end up like the others. The amount of blood on my hands is outrageous because I felt the girls were stupid enough to let the pregnancy even happen in the first place."

He sighed and I could tell he had regrets as he continued "I became a millionaire at such a young age. Except the fact that my parents weren't around to see the amazing person I had become, everything was perfect. I counted my gains based on the women I could conquer, the amount of money I could spend and the friends that flocked around me but none of them were gains."

He fisted his hands and covered his mouth for a minute and later folded his arms, I could see him relieving it all "Until about three years ago Alex, I found out I had lung cancer and down came my high mountain.

My achievements, my pride, my friends, Alex... nothing was the same anymore." He looked baffled and tears filled my eyes, I didn't want us going into this part of the conversation, he was such a good person, he didn't deserve what life had thrown his way.

"I couldn't live the life I had envisioned, my dreams, my aspirations, it all came crashing" he sniffed "and God... I couldn't do any thing about it. My money couldn't help, the best of the best doctors couldn't do it" he shook his head in disbelief.

"I couldn't even see myself searching for a wife and I didn't think any lady was left, who hadn't aborted the pregnancies they had for me. There was nothing I could do because in a day, I became dry, everything changed, I was a walking corpse, literally and I ran into the arms of Jesus."

He smiled in his tears, making me think that there was no joy other than the fact that you know there is one person who will still accept you for you, someone who loved you in your crimes, I felt grateful. 

"He accepted me and I obtained mercy, mercy for three years to get my acts in order."

By now, I had tears falling down my eyes, I couldn't understand why he couldn't have more years to live, he is changed now!! I screamed in my mind. He had such a clean heart, true, he was once a terror but we all make mistakes, even I had made mine, I thought.

He kept on talking, not giving me a chance to say my own piece and I was grateful - I didn't think I had it in me to say anything.
"You know...when I first heard it, I didn't think it could happen" he scoffed and for a second, I could see the former Bob, the one with pride and confidence in his looks - the 'happy go lucky' one.

I kept on comparing myself to King Hezekiah, from the Bible, who the prophet Isaiah had informed of his impending death. He went to God and God reversed it, I wondered why I couldn't get mine reversed and for a year, that's all I did.

I prayed...and up until now Alex, the statement has not been reversed. I realised I had two more years to put things in order and I didn't have a son - that's why I adopted Luke, apart from the fact that he looked so much like me and I was drawn to him."

He sighed "for every day in the past year... I have learnt to use it, to it's maximum and that's why I tell you to talk to Prince, to forgive him because it is true what they say - YOLO!

You only live once Alex! So,  forgive! You only live once! So, love! Experience joy! Be grateful! Give... Be good to others. You only live once! So forget past hurts and move on because not everyone has the chance to."

I bent my head and cried but even through my tears, his words penetrated my ears and heart. It was all it took to convince me that I had to forgive Prince, not for him, but for me.

"I - have - lived - my - life - Alex, and I was given a second chance, although short, a second chance all the same. That's why I tell the youths in church - you only live once! So be closer to your creator, not, you only live once, so party wild, get wasted" his tone was dry.

"I wish I found Jesus sooner Alex, we can't all be the same, we can't have the same level of grace or mercy from God. I'm sure there is someone out there who is in this exact same situation as mine and yet, he will obtain mercy enough to retrace his steps and live a beautiful life, for a very long time."

"There's also someone out there, who won't obtain that mercy at all. I, was able to obtain mercy, to have a son and meet the beautiful person that you are and that's what I regret the most, that I can't have you for myself, that I can't stay and watch my son grow, that I can't grow old with you.

I felt him come over and I raised my head as he pulled me up and stared into my eyes, with his hands on my shoulders and tears in his eyes.

"Alex, when you tell me to fight, I need you to know that it's not that I don't want to...because believe me, I-want-to-fight! But I can't fight over a done deal and somewhere within me I - I hope and pray...that at the end of these three years, I'm still alive and not just alive, healed...

But I also know, that all that's happening is as a result of my recklessness, my decisions and though I want to be healed...it's not in my hands to obtain my healing. If God decides not to heal me, knowing I have eternal life, is enough for me. Knowing that I had a second chance to meet you and Luke, spend time with you both... It is enough.

He paused for a bit and looked at me. I felt renewed, like my clouded head was clear.

"Will you do me a favour? He asked and I nodded because at this point, I will do anything to prolong our time together.

"Don't mention my going to the hospital and don't look at me like I'm leaving any moment cause who knows? I may not" he tried to laugh but I couldn't bring myself to.

"I love you Alex" he said, bringing me in for a hug.

"I love you Bob and I wish to God, that it didn't have to be this way."

"Me too...and I'll rather spend that short time with you and Luke than be in the hospital, fighting" he whispered and I couldn't agree more.

"Want to watch a movie? He asked me, smiling grimly as I shook my head.

"Let's take a walk" I told him, needing a break.

Mystery unraveled people!! That's why Bob's leaving...sad story. What do you think? Are you team Prince and Alex or Bob and Alex🤷.

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