12. Caught in the act

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When Prince left, I looked at the time and saw that it was about past 6. I decided to look through Luke's school notes and I found out that Rachael had gotten the parts he missed in class today and put it in his bag.

"Come here" I called the little man over and he got up from where he was playing, coming to join me.
"Yes mummy" he answered as he stood by bed, looking all innocent since he saw I was looking through his notes.

"We are going to do your assignment now, alright? After that, we'll go see your father."
"Daddy is around? He looked at me wide-eyed.
"Yes and if you don't do your assignment, we won't go and see him" I told him and got the expected reaction as he raised his hand for me to help him up.

Once he was settled, I handed him his notes and watched as he did them, correcting him in some places and helping him pronounce some words and stating their meanings. By the time we were done, it was a little past eight.

I decided that it would be good to go see Bob now. I asked Luke to look out to the corridor and tell me who he saw. Once he confirmed that he saw no one, I got up. Holding my drip on one hand and Luke's hand on the other, we silently shut the door of the room and began searching for his room.

I figured our rooms would be on the same floor because this was the private wing of the hospital and we were considered his family so if anything, we could be on the same floor if not the same wing.
"Why is daddy not coming to get us? Luke asked and I hushed him with speed.
"Are we playing hide and seek? He whispered, already swinging my hand in excitement.

"Shhh" I hushed again and just as we were about to get to where I presumed his room would be, after opening and closing doors to some rooms and apologizing to their occupants for the minor interruption. A nurse got out from a room and frowned at us.
"I'm going for a walk? I told her immediately and though she seemed unsure she still asked.

"You're sure you aren't lost?
"God no, I'm not" I assured her, laughing awkwardly.
"We are going to see daddy" Luke said, sounding hopeful, making me almost face palm.
The nurse couldn't seem to understand why we were contradicting each other but she allowed us go all the same.

Once I got to the last room on the floor, I knocked a little and entered in with Luke. I could feel the hairs on my skin stand with the way I saw Bob sleeping there, looking lifeless.
"Mummy...is daddy sleeping?
"Yes dear and we shouldn't disturb him but we can stay here for the night and wait till he wakes up uhn?

He nodded, so I placed him on Bob's bed and sat down on the chair beside him. I really hoped I knew what I was doing and I wasn't lying to Luke. I wasn't sure if Bob would wake up this night but I hoped so.

We put on the television in his room and watched for a while. In no time, Luke was falling asleep and checking the time, I decided that it was time I went to bed too. As I got up, Bob's doctor came in and I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

He smiled when he saw me "I figured you'd be here when I couldn't find you in your room - that, and the fact that one of my nurses reported that she saw a woman acting suspicious in the corridor" I winced immediately he said that, wondering why I didn't think the nurse would have me reported.
"and... I ought to be very cross with you but I'll let it go for today" he said finally.

"Thank you" I smiled weakly and he continued when he noticed Luke asleep on the bed "aha...I see the little man is here" nodding in his direction.
"Yeah...I asked his nanny to bring him over, I didn't think he could sleep without us after everything that had happened."

"Good decision. Anyways, I came to check on him before I leave" he told me, coming to check his vitals.
"Really? You aren't on night shift?
"No...and I left home so abruptly when you called. Today was my off, I came here because you called so I can't stay overnight, unfortunately. However, I have asked the nurses to watch him well and if they notice anything strange, they know what to do."

"Thank you so much Doctor, I don't know how to repay you."
"No...it's fine" he assured me with a smile "all's fine with him" he told me and offered as I was about to carry Luke
"Here, let me help with him."
"Thank you" I agreed because I was just thinking of how I can drag my drip with a sleeping boy in my tired state.

"Will we see you tomorrow? I asked as we got to the room and I opened the door.
"Yeah, by God's grace, I will be back at work." He placed Luke on my bed and I before he could step out again, I asked my final question "can I have another bed brought to my room, a smaller one or is that against the rules? He laughed.

"You know... there's a reason this is called the private ward" he raised a brow at me "we want to make you comfortable as possible, so we can make that happen. Although in times of emergencies, we aren't going to be partial, just saying" he shrugged.

"Ahh" I nodded, not really understanding anything anymore because I was feeling sleepy.
"So can the bed be brought in? I asked again.
"Yes...I will make sure to tell the nurses when I go downstairs. Good night Alex."
"Night Doc."

Thankfully, the nurses came in no time, wheeling a bed into the room and they helped me carry Luke to it and tucked him in. After that, I had a long bath and hoped that my night would be sweet, I didn't know it was a wish that wouldn't come true.

After I finished bathing, I checked my mail and replied some work related ones. Then I read my Bible because I needed all the encouragement in the world. I didn't know where my life was going and everything seemed wrong but I had an encouragement knowing I had God.

Somewhere in between thinking of Bob and Luke and how late it was getting for me in finding my forever, I slept off and I didn't think anything could wake me up because I felt mentally stressed but boy...was I wrong.

Hello everyone! I hope you're all good and fine...it's been a while. Do stay safe and stay happy. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Ciao✌️

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