you're my idol : her

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note: i'm pretty sure the fanmeeting system here is different from the fanmeetings that he does, please don't come at me ;)

(Y/n)'s POV
I was woken up by the constant beeping of my alarm which I would normally find annoying, but not today. That's because today's XuKun's birthday, and the day I'm finally going to meet him!

I've been an iKun for quite some time now, and to be fully aware that I will be meeting him in person in a few hours is driving me crazy. I wonder what he's like in real, will he be as sweet as he is on screen or even sweeter? Is he going to tease iKuns?

I wore a simple knitted sweater, a pair of skinny jeans, and threw my jacket over because it's winter, and I'm not planning to kill myself with hypothermia.

While getting ready, I couldn't stop smiling. From time to time, I couldn't help but check my outfit, and question it. Is it too simple? Too ugly? After contemplating for awhile, I decided to stick with it because there's no point in dressing up because I'm not there to dress to impress..., right?

After I got ready, I grabbed some snack bars on my way out, and proceeded to the venue of the fanmeeting.

All through the way, my heart was pounding so loud I was actually afraid people might hear them. Due to the excitement, I felt like throwing up, but luckily I didn't. It was a relief that I did not eat a heavy meal for breakfast or else I would be puking all over the bus now.

At the same time, I felt nervous. I didn't know why, but I was getting more and more insecure by every second. I couldn't stop fidgeting my fingers.

I finally arrived at the venue, and it was breathtaking. I could see hundreds of people lining up to enter the venue for the fanmeeting, and I got even more excited. I joined the queue, and entered the venue.

It was not very big, but it was enough to intimidate. One chair and a desk was on the stage which is most probably where Xukun will be sitting.

Not long after I entered, Kun entered, and the room was filled with cheers, and screams. I wanted to take part in cheering and screaming, like I nornally do, but for some reasons I couldn't do it. It was as if my throat lost its power.

As I was too busy being nervous, I felt someone poke my shoulders. I turned to look who had poked me,  and it happened to be a lady sitting right next to me.

"Yes?" I asked her politely.

"Are you ok?" she asked, worry evident in her face.

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what she meant because I don't remember being sick this morning.

I hesitant answered her, "er... y-yes? I mean is something wrong?", I asked her back.

She smiled suddenly, and sighed in relief, "I guess it's your first time to a fanmeeting?"

I nodded my head in response, oblivious to how she figured that out.

She laughed heartily, and said, "You're so cute. I figured out it's your first time because you look really pale, and since you said that you're not sick, it's probably because you're too nervous."

My brain was finally able to put the dots together, so I smiled back at her, and asked her shyly, "Am I- that obvious?"

She nodded, and I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

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