you're my idol: do you want to be my girlfriend?

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Xukun's POV

I'm finally done with the fanmeeting, but one of my fans really caught my eye. I did not really feel anything towards her at first, but when I saw how her shy self could switch to her cheeky side in a split second, something about it intrigued me. A part of me wanted to see more sides of her. She was also pretty cute as well, especially her eyes. I also liked how she dressed so simply and comfortable unlike some other fans who wore very revealing clothes even in this season. It showed that she cared for herself, and that she was not going to risk herself for someone she barely even knew, me.

I asked for her instagram, hoping that I could talk more with her. Then I realised, I didn't even know her name! I sighed in frustration, how dumb can I get?

I decided to rest first after a long day. I'll get back to her after my nap.

(Y/n)'s POV
I was having a nice little snack when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to look at the notification, and when I did, my eyes popped out of its sockets.

useraugust: Hi, I'm XuKun. You're the girl whose instagram I asked for, right? This is my private account :)

Holy cow. It's been 2 days, and I've obviously removed all hopes I had of him reaching out, but here he is. I was so startled, it took me a while to figure out what is going on.

I unlocked my phone, and clicked at his dm. It's real. It's him. The Cai Xukun.

(your username):  Hiiii

I really did not know what to reply so I just him back a simple high. As soon as the messagge was sent, I ran from my phone, as if it is a bomb.  I waited at the other side of the room for any signs of him responding back, but there was none.

I sighed, there we go I got my hopes high again. Just went I was about to get out of my room to get more snacks, I heard a ding. I looked back to where my phone was to make sure that I was not hallucinating. Then another ding went off.



useraugust: It is a relief that I did not get the wrong username.

useraugust: By the way, I forgot to ask you for your name. May I please know your name?

I pinched myself fo make sure that this is not a dream. Ok, that stings.

(your username): Hehe. It's (y/n).

I decided to be brave, and ask him his purpose of texting me.

(your username): Hey um, it's not that I don't like you texting me, but, why did you text me? I mean you being an idol, and all that, randomly texting a fan? Is that allowed?

I closed my eyes, and laid my phone on my chest.

useraugust: Ahh, that, I'll answer that a bot later, I have a quick question, I need you to answer. It's not a hard one, don't wory... or... it can be.

Another buzz came, and I wrinkled my nose. What could be so important for him to ask that I had to answer his question first.

(your username): ask away

useraugust: Do you want to be my girlfriend?

As soon as I read that I choked. What on Earth is going on? First, my idol asked for my instagram. Second, my idol texted me. And now, my idol is asking me out?

I could not answer his question. As much as I want to, I am his fan, which is a problem itself. A fan going out with an idol? How one-sided can that get? The idol just saw me in a few minutes, only knew my name a few minutes ago, and I've known him for like what, 3 years?  Besides, I always see him as an idol, joking around that he's my boyfriend, but for him to literally ask me out? It never appeared to me that way.

(your username): I need to give you my answer in person.

Will he think that I'm using it as a chance to meet him? Will he understand that I'm trying to not be a jerk?

useraugust: Sure. Tomorrow in Bar XX, it might be quite difficult to get there because it's a speakeasy bar, I'll get someone to escort you, send me your address.

(your username): (your address)

useraugust: see you tommorrow :)

I deicded to leave him on read because I don't want to do something that might cause misunderstanding.

Xukun's POV
I never managed to text her after my nap because I was so busy, but I finally managed to get to her after 2 days.

I wonder what she's feeling? Excited? Will she share my information to the world? She can't..., right? She seemed to kind to do that.

I really wanted to get to know her more, but I decided to put her to a test first.

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