Happy Birthday

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"Happy Birthday Kun!" everyone wished him. It was only 7 in the morning yet his locker was already loaded with chocolates, and some other gifts.

"See, I told you you would have lots of gifts. I honestly don't understand why you're so nervous. If you don't already know, you are one of the most popular boys in the school. You've got at least a girl from each grade crushing on you, both older and younger," I told him, walking by his side.

"You don't get it (Y/n), I am only excited for her gift, only hers," he replied.

"Kun, I get you, you really want a gift from her or at least something as simple as a birthday wish. I get it, but why don't you just appreciate this mount of gifts that everyone else had given you," I cut him, standing in front of him, blocking his way.

"God, you're so annoying (Y/n). No, you don't get it. You've never liked anyone before, so you don't know what it's like, so stop trying to tell me what to and  not to do," he retorted, eyes rolling in annoyance.

"Alright, calm down man. I'm just saying. Anyways, how'd you like my gift?" I asked him.

"Definitely trashy since it's coming from you," he chuckled.

Ouch. Just kidding, it just hurt a little bit. It's how we communicate. We would never admit that we cared for each other, but everyone knew that we would take a bullet for each other. We're known as the double trouble in school. We mess around together, and get into trouble together. Our birthdays are only few days apart so I see Kun as my twin, my one and only brother.

I suddenly felt my shoulder being slapped repeatedly. I'm so ready to beat Kun, this must be him. I turned to him, "What, will you stop hitting?"

"No. She's here she's here she's here," he mumbled just audible enough for me to hear.

I turned to where his eyes were fixated on, and there I saw her. The goddess. His crush. I squealed in excitement, excited for whatever is about to happen. I immediately stopped walking, and looked for a place to hide. Kun told me that she did not really like how close we were, so whenever she is in sight, we were strangers. I would do anything to help him because that's what siblings are for. Rule number 1, to always have each others back.

I giggled as I reminisced the picture of Kun and his first love in the phone I used when I was in high school. I was the one who took the picture which explains everything. I slid right, but there were no more pictures of him or us.

It was a rainy day, and we had a fight. A fight I was never clear of. He started acting cold towards me, and I was worried and bothered. "Seriously, what's wrong with you. You stopped talking to me out of nowhere. Did you two had a fight again? Is it because of me again? I thought we've talked about this?" I questioned him worriedly, suspecting that he and his girl friend had another quarrel.

Few months into their relationship and they were constantly quarelling, and he would always come to me to rant. So I knew a lot.

"You're the problem. You and attention-seeking self," he said coldly.

Under the normal circumstances, I wouldn't have given too much thoughts about it, but this was different. I could tell that he was really upset.

"What did I do? Tell me, and I'll apologize. I'll fix this. Just tell me what I did wrong," I begged him to explain as I did not understand what he was talking about.

"There you go. Have you understood now why I want you away? You're that self-centered you didn't even know what you did!" he exclaimed.

"Kun, you can't possibly let our friendship down over something I don't even know. It's not fair to me. We're twins, remember?" I begged.

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