you're my idol: a beginning

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Third Person POV
She was escorted by his assistant to the bar.
Once her eyes laid on him, she could not help but blush. No matter what, he will always be her idol.

He smiled at her gently, gesturing for her to seat.

"What would you like to have?" he asked her, while fixating his gaze on the menu.

"Just pick one for me," she stated.

He looked up from the menu and stared at her.  He thought that she's not very much special from the other girls. Meanwhile, she stared back at him confusingly, puzzled as to why he was staring into her soul all in a sudden.

He looked back down to the menu, and proceeded to order the food.

Once he was done ordering, he cleared his throat, "So, what's your answer?"

She was taken aback at how straight forward he is, but responded anyways, "No, I can't."

He looked at her. He did not know why he felt a pang of pain even if it was just a part of his test, but the rejection clicked something in him that he did not know exist.

He tilted his head, "Why? Don't you like me?"

She took a deep breath, and explained, "I do, but maybe not in that way. As a fan, yes, I have had dreams of having you as my partner, but I did not expect it to come through. Besides, I cannot accept you just like that. We both know I clearly like you, but I don't know how genuine your feelings are towards me."

He could not help but feel offended. What did she mean by him not being genuine, but at the same time he also saw how much self-respect she had for herself.

"Are you telling me that I'm not genuine?" he asked calmly.

"I don't know, I don't know you in person, you've only known me for a few days, we haven't even talked much. How do I know?" she answered, looking away.

She could see the hurt in his eyes, but it wasn't for her to take the blame. She could not just freely let people in any time they like, her past had taught her that.

He suddenly smiled, creeping her a little bit.

"Calm down. You passed my test," he geinned mischievously.

She raised her eyebrows, and looked at him with her lost expression.

"I'll court you in advance before I ask you out. That question was to see whether you will accept to be my girlfriend just because I'm your idol. Apparently not," he explained.

She sighed in relief, but her eyes started to get teary. She did not know why either. He saw those tears threatening to come out of her doe eyes, and he took her hands into his, " Don't cry. I'm sorry for the stress I might have put you in."

She laughed, and replied, "You know, you gave me a really hard time. I was so conflicted, and I felt bad rejecting MY idol," emphasising the 'my'.

Her emphasis on the word 'my' was enough to make him feel butterflies in his stomach.

"But I never said, that I'll never ask you out," he smiled cheekily.

She hit him in embarassment, and playfully threaten to kill him, and just like that a bond was formed.

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