best buddies

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You and Kunnie are bestfriends, and the two of you are very close. You have known each other since toddlers, and you guys have been sticking like glue to each other since then.
Sometimes people even wonder if you two are together because two of you are inseparable, but some others could not help but think how Kun could have you as a bestfriend. You were not a bad person, no, but you weren't the school's superstar like Kunnie.

Xukun was the school's idol. Every girls wanted him, and every guy would kill to be as gorgeous as him. He's talented, smart, good-looking, and everything else that an Asian mom would have wanted as a son. He's that perfect.

You on the other hand, was on the average class of people. You were in between, not the star, but not the bullied either.

During partnered projects, you guys would never bother to open your mouths to find for a partner because the two of you always partner up for whatever reason. You were comfortable with each other. Your classmates would not bother to ask for two of you to be their partners as well because like an unspoken agreement, the entire class has known that two of you will always be together.

"Kunnie, do you want to be my partner for this project?" asked Sohee, the princess of the school, while Kun unplugged his earphones.

Everyone's head immediately snapped to their way, including yours. Two of the most unspoken agreement were broken. One, no one else calls Kun Kunnie because that was what you always called him with. They either call him his full name or Kun, or Kunkun. Two, no one asks for either me or Kun to be their partner because we are always together. ALWAYS.

"I mean, I just thought maybe you wanted a change in partner since you are always with (Y/n), but it's alright if you don't want to. I completely understand," she continued.

By the way, if you're thinking that Sohee is the stuck up brat, you're actually wrong. She's called princess because she's kind, smart, and caring. Everyone loves her.

Kun contemplated for awhile before saying, "Actually, I don't mind partnering up with you. (Y/n)'s probably equally bored of me, right (Y/n)?"

You snorted. "Sohee, go get him, I might puke if I'm partnered with him again."

You did not know why, you suddenly felt quite uncomfortable, but you acted like nothing was wrong because you personally have no idea what's wrong.

Now, everyone's head snapped to mine. You simply shrugged them off.

"Did they fight?"
"Did something happen?"

You honestly don't know what's up with your classmates because it's not the first time the two of you throw insults at each other. Scratch that, they might actually be tired from it already because two of you do that at every single chance you have.

You ended up working alone because apparently one of the students in your class got dengue fever, and you just so happen to be the only kid without a partner yet. You were ok with it because the teacher promised that you would get higher grades.

It was break time, and you were on the canteen table with your girl squad.

"You like him, don't you?" Chengxiao asked you.

"Huh, who?" You asked back, looking up from the novel you were reading.

"Xukun," Lisa answered.

You groaned, "Ugh, not again, guys. Your jokes are getting older, find something new, will you?"

They always suspect that you had feelings for Kun, which obviously don't, and it's starting to exhaust you.

Normally, you would just ignore them, and mind your business again, but you did not why you were so pissed today you decided to head to the library instead of staying.

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