shy lion: his first meeting

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"Linkai, hurry up! We're going to be late at this point!" I shouted at my roommate Linkai. He's taking forever to get ready, sometimes he makes me wonder what on earth he is doing in the restroom.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Gosh, we are going to the event for me, and yet you are the one who's extra excited. Are you that eager to get a girlfriend?" Linkai yelled back at me from the restroom.

I simply grumbled in response.

We are currently heading to a sort of match-making event for Linkai's sake. He met this girl online, and she asked him to participate in this event with her, and because he's such a coward, he asked me to tag along. As a kind-hearted roommate, I agreed to go with him.

No. Actually no, I went along with him because I had nothing to do, and is single and ready to mingle, but I did not tell him that, because why would I?

We were a tad bit late, but we just missed the introduction, which does not matter much because I already have a clear idea on the rules because Linkai had been reciting them to me all night afraid that I would mess up. Like, do I look like a 3 year-old who couldn't follow rules to him?

There were not much seats left, and so I just randomly sat at wherever an empty spot was available.

I did not know what got into me, but the moment I sat down, my flirting skills suddenly evaporated into thin air. I was suddenly so nervous and shy, so I ended up sitting quietly beside the girl. She did not bug as well, which probably means she's not interested in me, or there might be a slight chance that she was forced to come here. She did not look like she was enjoying herself after all. That was probably why I could not flirt with her. She looked cute, yet pretty intimidating.

"If by the end of this movie, no one wins the game between each couple, they will receive a forfeit, and whichever couple who managed to make their partner heart rate increase will win a price," the speaker blared.

Well, I guess we will be doing the forfeit, judging from our current situation. I knew there was going to be a forfeit for the losers, but I did not expect myself to lose because I was pretty confident of my flirting skills. It just so happened to be that I am met with a cute lion that could probably eat me any second now. Well, not in that way, but you get me.

I continued watching the movie calmly, already expecting myself to lose. I had better enjoy these moments before I actually receive the forfeit.

Suddenly, the lion beside me faced me at a very close proximity, and stared deeply into my soul as if she was going to suck the life out of me from my eyes. My eyes popped out of its socket because obviously, who would not be shocked if someone randomly faced you from such a distance staring into your soul.

"If you're planning to lose, don't drag me along with you," she whispered into my ears, and damn, her voice is so alluring. I did not expect her to sound that way at all because she actually has a cute face like I have said before. Her voice was deep and husky which I honestly found a little bit hot. Just a little bit.

Just like that, the bell on my head rang, and everyone immediately searched for us knowing a guy just lost. Ouch, there goes my ego. She has to pay for this, and it's only fair for her to do so. My heart rate did not quicken because of her, it quickened up because she took me by my surprise, and i was genuinely shocked.

As soon as my bell rang, she focused back on to the movie as if nothing happened. She really is one of a kind, but she has to pay for hurting my ego like this.

Suddenly, I felt something brush my jeans, and I looked down at it to see a piece of paper, and the girl leaving her seat.

Sorry, I was tricked into here, and I have someone to beat up. Have a nice day.

I silently laughed at her note. I was right. She was not here by her own will, and she is definitely a feisty one seeing how she's about to beat whoever lured her here. I pray for whoever is about to be beat up. He or she is in peril.

I did not know what got into me, but I decided to run after her. I might not be able to see her again, and something in me just wanted to know about her more. This might also be my chance to get a nice, decent apology.

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