shy lion: stars aligned

177 3 0

She formed her  palms into a fist, so ready to finish off her so-called best friend. Just before she could set off for her murder mission, she felt a tug on her hand. She  turned only to see the guy in the cinema. 

"I'm screwed," she thought. 

Despite her feisty attitude, she was actually a pretty shy person. She was never fond of going out. She loved her little safe bubble, which was the actual reason why Joline tricked her to getting out. It was for her sake. To Joline, her want to constantly to be inside her safe zone can become a danger to her. Her world is too different from the cruel world she is actually living in. Joline was afraid that her not being used to this realistic world might result in her getting hurt. She was too innocent for this world, and before she seriously get hurt, Joline would like her to teach herself to adapt to this world. 

Before he could speak, she had cut him off, "I'm so sorry, for what I did back there, I really did not mean to offend or harass you that way, I just did not want to lose because losing means everyone watching us receiving the forfeit. I can't stand people watching me. I'm so sorry. I was forced in there by my friend." 

He was astonished. How could one be so gritty yet so timid at the same time? He was so taken by surprise that he lost his words, and was just standing there like a buffoon. At that exact time, his want for a payback was distinguished, all he wanted to do now was to get to know her. To him, she was very interesting, and just like a scientist who just discovered a new species, he could not wait to get to know her, understand her. 

He was so caught up with himself that he did not realise that she had hurried off, and before he could lose sight of her again. He rushed to her. 

"Hey, hey. You don't need to apologize. I was just here hoping we could get to know each other because you seem like a cool person to hang around with," he paused for a while, hesitating to say out his next words, but did anyways, "Can I get your number or something, if you are that in a hurry right now." 

She blankly stared at him, and this is where he realised he must have sound like some freak. 

"I- I am sorry, you know what, I'm crazy, I must have eaten something wrong. I'll get going, and am sorry for bothering you," he apologized,  as he rubbed the back of his head, clearly embarrassed. 

As he was looking down, he heard a hearty giggle. A giggle so sweet he did not expect to come from someone who was flirting with him so aggressively. 

"You're funny. I like you, I'll give you my number," she replied, smiling. 

At her words, he blushed. He felt foolish for blushing at her words, she probably did not even mean it in that way, yet he could not stop smiling from ear to ear like a fool. 

They exchange numbers while doing small jokes from time to time, making both of their hearts feel warm. 

As they parted ways, all they could think was of each other. 

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