shy lion: her first meeting

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"Come on (Y/n), I promise it'll be fun!" nagged Joline for the nth time.
"No means no, Joline. You and I both know I havve no interests towards those kind of things," I replied her.
"I know! That's exactly why you should go!" she reasoned. "Please, attend this event for me. I'll get you free meals for a week. I really need you to attend this. You don't even have to do anything."

I looked at her at the mention of food, and without a second thought, I replied, "Deal."

And this is my hundredth time being blinded by food. Apparently her 'You don't even have to fo anything' means just sit down and prevent your heart rate from going up while the person beside you attempts to flirt with you.

She tricked me into saying I just have to attend this event and watch movies in the cinema. Going out of the house itself is already a burden, and I can't believe I am in a sort of match-making contest.

The rules of the game was that everyone is seated per pair. A guy and a girl. Then everyone is given this heart rate measuring tool which will ring if it's above 100 which is the average heart rate when nervous. Once it rings, the contest is ended. The contest is actually between the guy and the girl to see who made who's heartbeat race. To make things less awkward, a movie will be played and the lights will turn off.

I scanned for my surrounding, and watch the empty sest beside me hoping no one would take the spot so I could peacefully watch the movie.

To my luck, a guy sat down next to me. Great. I did not even spare a glance at the guy. He did not bother talking to me as well so yeah.

Not long later, the movie started.

"If by the end of this movie, no one wins the game between each couple, they will receive a forfeit, and whichever couple who managed to make their partner heart rate increase will win a price," the speaker blared.

A few minutes later, a few rings have been heard signalling there are winners already, and as expected majority are the guys. I was getting sleepy, so close to setting off to dreamland, but I could not afford to lose, considering how I might receive the punishment infront all these couples. So, I tried to make myself nervous, but it wouldn't work.

In the end, I have no option but to opt for plan b. I abruptly faced the guy on my right, inching my face at a close proximity from his, and stared deeply into his alluring eyes that captivated my soul into it, but I refrained of course.
"If you're planning to lose, don't drag me along with you," I whispered into his ears after swallowing the lump in my throat, and just like that his measuring tool rang.

Apparently, the male's and female's tool has different ringtones, and as his rang, everyone's head snapped to us, surprised that a male's rang.

I diverted my attention by focusing on the movie, acting like nothing happened while people continuously eyed the guy beside me. A part of me couldn't help but feel bad for putting him in the spotlight like that. I decided to take out my pen and wrote my apologies on the movie ticket.

After everyone's eyes went back to the movie, I quietly put the movie ticket on his lap without him noticing, and slipped out of the theatre.

Joline better prepare herself.

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