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It was just another day at school, walking into school with all the boys howling, and offering roses, chocolate, and letters. No, you got it wrong. It wasn't for me. It's for my sister. We just happen to always walk in to school together.

She is the school's Venus. She's pretty, talented, smart. She's everything that a guy would want from a girl.

I wouldn't say I'm the ugly ducking because I'm not at that point where people bully me because of my looks, I'm in the average class.

Guys would always try to befriend me in hopes of me introducing them to my sister, but I know their motives already, so it's not a big problem, and that is... until today.

Out of nowhere this one senior starts talking to me. I did not think that he had any motives because never once did he talk about my sister. He was a nice and easygoing guy.

We talked a lot, mostly him, but I responded like a good friend should. I felt like his diary, every day he would pour me in with his daily life, and some occurences in it. I did not mind because most of the times he was pretty sad. I stayed as a friend because I felt needed. I felt like he depended on me, and I could not just leave him alone dealing with his own despair. We've been talking for months now.

Today, I overheard him talking to his friends.

"Hey, man. How are you and Venus' sister going?" his friend asked.

"Nothing's going on. Just me pulling my pity card, to get closer to her sister. She's starting to annoy me, when is she going to introduce me to her sister?" he said casually.

At that moment, I felt punched. I thought for once, people is not using me for my sister. Guess, I was wrong. I was never needed. I was the useless sidekick.

Don't get me wrong, I did not like him in that way, but I thought he was a friend, a fenuine friend who befriended me because I made them feel comfortable.

My heart hurt, I'm tired of being used. I'm really tired. Girls used me too in hopes of me intorducing them to my sister, and them gaining popularity as my sister's friend.

I could hear my shattering of my heart. Shards of it falling, but then again, it has shattered a lot of times. It's about time I pick the pieces up and rebuild an ever more fragile version of it,  because every time I try to pick them up, a piece or two goes missing.

I wanted to cry, to scream, to runaway, but I couldn't, and it's killing me. It isn't my sister's fault so I could only blame myself. If I was as good as her, would things be this way?

Suddenly I felt someone covering my ears. I turned my back to see who had covered my ears, and I was met with a pair of enchanting eyes that I could not take off of.

"You know, it's bad to eavesdrop," he whispered, and pulled me away from the corner I've been hiding while listening to the cruel conversation.

"Then why are you here?" I whispered back to him harshly.

He shrugged, "I guess that makes us both bad people, not as wicked as them though," pointing to the two guys we eavesdropped.

"Do I know you?" I asked him.

He shrugged cutely, and said, "Nope. I don't know you either. I'm new here, I just wanted friends, but everyone else here seemed to have their eyes glued on to this girl from my class, except you of course."

I laughed. I contemplated on telling him that I'm 'the girl' 's sister, but I don't want to risk being used again. Maybe this time, I'll have a real friend seeing how he's not mesmerized by my sister.

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