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Bright light seeped into my room, as the morning arrives. I groaned as the light hit my eyes, blinding them. I am a morning person, but I did not get enough sleep last night as a result of last minute assignment cramming. Yes, I make a wonderful procrastinator. 

I wrapped the blankets around myself tightly, savouring the last few minutes of this warmth. After some difficulties to get out of bed, I finally made it out, and immediately proceeded to get ready for the day. I had nothing planned for today so I'll just do whatever I feel like doing. 

My stomach grumbled while I was showering, and I knew I had to get something to eat.  For some reasons, I was suddenly craving for some pancakes, and because I felt like treating myself today, instead of making one for myself, I decided to eat out. 

The place was just a few blocks away from my apartment, so I simply walked there. I pushed the door open as the bell attached on the door rang, and I was immediately hit with the smell of hot pancakes, making my stomach grumble even louder. I decided to get some strawberry bananas pancake, and a cup of ice tea. 

"Number 206, please get your order"

I hurried over to get my order. As I was hurrying, my clumsy self bumped on someone spilling the person's coffee over. 

"Chicken," I muttered. 

Luckily, it did not spill over anyone or I would have been in a much worse situation. Everyone stared at me for a split second, as I bowed my head to apologize, before they went back to mind their own businesses. 

"Look, I'm so sorry, I really did not mean to bump you. I'm so clumsy. I'm really sorry. I'll get you another coffee. In fact, I'll get you anything you want. My treat," I apologized to the person I bumped over, looking down. 

I waited for a response but there was none. I cursed myself silently. I've gotten myself into a huge trouble. Whoever I bumped on must have been so upset. Amidst my internal battle on trying to defend myself but also scolding myself at the same time, a manly laugh cut me off. 

"Chicken," he managed to cough out while laughing. 

I looked up furrowing my eyebrows. Chicken? What's with chicken? I looked at him questioningly, clearly conflicted. Does he really find this funny or is this a sarcastic laugh. I have a pretty bad sense so I'm having a difficulty figuring which one is it. 

"What's with chicken?" he asked me. 

I looked at him still confused. Why would he ask me about chicken, shouldn't I be the one who's asking him that question? Then it hit me. 

"Ahh, that. It's just a habit. I made myself a curse word when I was young because I wasn't allowed to say the 'regular' vulgar words. The word just so happens to be chicken," I explained, finally understanding what he was laughing out. 

"I know, I know. When we were young we would use the word chicken as well, but I just did not know that people still use them nowadays," he replied still smiling. 

"Hey, um, I'm really sorry to interrupt, but Miss, you need to get your order," the cashier called out. 

"Oh right, right, I'm sorry," I apologized, taking my order. 

"Hey, you said I could get anything, and it'll be your treat, right?" he asked. 

"Yep, order all you want. It's the most I could do for spilling over your coffee," I answered him. 

"I'd like to get a fried chicken waffle , and I'd also like something else, but I'll just get that later," he smiled cheekily. 

"Alright, let me just place these somewhere first," I told him, referring to the tray of food that I'm carrying. 

"Don't worry about that. Give it to me, and place my order," he told me, freeing his other hand to grab my tray. 

I went over to queue again to get his chicken waffle. As soon as I got his order, I searched for any signs of him, and I saw him sitting on one of the tables by the window. 

"Here's your chicken waffle. Just go over my table for the order you have not placed. Ill be right there," pointing to an empty table at the far corner. 

"What do you mean by your table? You're sitting here with me, like it or not," he objected. 

I grumbled. I obviously did not feel comfortable having pancakes with a random stranger, but I had to do it because I just so happen to have spilled over this random stranger's coffee. 

We were eating awkwardly when his phone suddenly rang. 

"I'm sorry I have to go now, but since I did not get to get my other order, I'll need your number, so I can call you up when I'd like to make my other order," he winked, getting up. 

I looked at him in disbelief. I really messed up real bad. I should have just offered him another cup of coffee instead of anything he wants, now this is abuse. 

"I know I did spill your coffee over, but don't you think you're using me at this point?" I asked him. 

"God, you're so serious. I was just joking. I wanted your number for real, although we were pretty awkward during the feast, I'd say you're a pretty fun person to hangout with," he answered. 

I handed my number over, watching him leave, as he mouthed, "Thank you, chicken girl," as he left. I shook my head at his childishness. 

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