Chapter 6

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You couldn't believe he said yes. Not to the tutor sessions, you were sure he was going to accept those. But to dinner with you and your parents. They made you promise to ask Narancia about it. Your parents wanted to thank him what he did for you. Sure, you were very embarassed about it.

"Sure! I'd love to!", he asnswered that time.

When you got home, you asked shyly if he wanted to go to your room while waiting for the dinner. Narancia blushed a little. You felt awkward. Of course he was thinking you were hiting on him! But then the boy smiled goofly and agreed. You signed, relieved.

Your parents thanked him when he entered. They almost got to their knees. But Narancia told them to stand up, assuring your parents that it wasn' necessary and that he was glad to help. After that, he put his coat and sunglasses at one of the hangers at the entrance. 

"Hum, wanna go up now?", you asked.


You two start to climb the stairs and your father followed you. "Oh God, does he think that Narancia is going to do something to me?", you thought, blushing. You pointed to the boy were was your room and asked him to wait inside. Then, when he entered, you turned to your father, who was still at the stairs, looking at you.

"Father, what are you doing?"

"(Y/N), he's from the mafia.", he whispered, "Why did you invite him to your room?"

"You invited him to have dinner with us. The least I can do is wait with him until that time. And he's not that bad. I like talking with him. Narancia's nice."

Your father signed:

"Fine. But I will be nearby if anything happens."

"Alright. Just be nice."

You two went in different directions. You took a deep breath and entered your room at the end of the hallway. Narancia was seating on your bed, waiting for you. Then, when he saw you, he jumped and smiled:

"(Y/N)! Took you a while."

"S-Sorry. So, what do you want to do? There isn't much to do here.", you apologized.

"No problem. You choose. I'll be happy doing anything if it's with you."

Your heart skipped a beat. You tried to remain calm. But it wasn't working. You felt your cheeks hot.

"Are you ok?", he approached you and putted a hand against your forehead.

"Y-Yeah. Want to hear some music?", you tried to distract him from your embarassement. It actually worked.

"Sure! Can we hear Canzoni Preferite (torture dance)?! It's one of my favorites! I'll teach you how to dance."

"We can listen but I-I don't know how to dance..."

"It'll be fun! I'll teach you, I promise! Pretty please?", Narancia asked  with his shinny eyes.

You couldn't say no to those dark dreamy eyes.

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