Chapter 25

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Your POV

You couldn't fall asleep. Today's events were too much for you. You knew you liket it and that scared you. And, at the top of that, Narancia gave you a mark you had to hid from your parents. You were so embarassed, yet you liked the feeling of belonging to someone. However, this was all new to you. The kissing, the touching... Everything! Although you secretly wanted more. The next time you were going to be ready. But, was even going to be a next time? Your biggest fear was disappointing him. What if he leaves you because of this?! You were terrified with that thought.

You already had your lights turned off. You weren't expecting your boyfriend to come over after what you did to him. But you were wrong. You heard the window open at 11:30 p.m. You jumped from your bed to see Narancia landing on your room. You turned on the light of the lamp on your bedside table.

"Narancia?", you whispered.

"H-Hello. Can we talk?"

You started crying out of the blue. Your boyfriend was surprised by it and ran to hug you.

"W-Why are you crying?!", he whispered back, panicking.

"Y-You're going to break up with me, aren't you?"

"Of course not! Let's sit down."

You two sat on the bed. Narancia didn't let go of your hands.

"Why are you saying that?"

"Because I pushed you away and treated you badly.", you sobbed, "I shouldn't have done that. I'm such a bad person..."

"No, you're not. I shouldn't admit this but Bucciarati's right. I am a fucking horny teenager. After what I heard, I was so sure I could do anything wiht you. I have the capacity to mess up everything I do! It was me who was sure you were going to break up with me."

"I-I would never..."

"I was scared too. I should've listen to you the first time. I'm such an idiot...",

"No, you're not! The problem is me! I-I actually liked what you did! I'm just shy and don't know how to deal with this emotions! It's driving me crazy because I want you to do those things again!"

When you saw Narancia flustered, you knew you said too much. You blushed furiously and turned your face away. All your boyfriend did was sighed.

"Are you really sure? You know we can slow down as much as you need to. I won't do anything without your permission."

"W-Why?", you looked at Narancia again.

"W-Well, isn't it obvious? I don't want you to be sad or scared because of something I might make you do.", he rubbed the back of his head, "It's unfair.", Narancia sounded so sad! You couldn't handle it.

In a moment of madness, you jumped on his lap. You were red but he was too. That made you feel less embarassed. You held yourself on his shoulders.

"W-What are you doing?!", he panicked with his eyes shinning, "You don't have to do this!"

"I already told you that I liked it! Why won't you take the hint and do it again? I don't care if it's you."

"A-Are you sure, (Y/N)?"

"Yes, very sure. I love you, Narancia."

He didn't even answer before he smacked his lips onto yours. This time, you left you mouth opened for him. You were actually pretty nervous but you only wanted to make your boyfriend happy. Narancia gladly started making out with you. You couldn't help but moan a little every now and then. You stopped feeling nervous. Why would you be nervous anymore?

After a few minutes, you two had to broke the kiss to get some air. You were breathing heavly just like Narancia. He made you look into his eyes. You blushed but approached him again to continue. However, you heard steps in the corridor. Your boyfriend panicked as much as you. You got away from his lap and shut down the lamp. The steps stopped by a few seconds but then went away from your room. You sighed, in relief. Narancia leaned down on your bed, in relief too.

"This was too close...", your boyfriend whispered.

"Oh my God, I almost had a heart attack right now."

Narancia smiled. You sat on the bed again. The room was dark now but you could see him perfectly at the moonlight. You leaned down and started playing with his hair. He was a little surprise but let you do your thing in silence for awhile.

"You're so cute...", you whispered, kissing his forehead.

Narancia put his arms around you, pushing you to him. You fell right on top of him.

"Narancia, what are you doing?", you giggled.

"I've never been so happy in my life. I'm so lucky having you by my side."

"I'm the lucky one. Thank you for taking care of me."

"You don't have to thank me."

"Hum...I think I do.", you hugged his chest, "You're so confy."

You felt his heartbeat increased. So, you decided to tease him a little:

"Wanna sleep here with me?"

"I sure do.", you weren't expecting this answer. You never are, "But I have to go back early. I don't want your father to stab me with a knife if he sees me. Maybe 6 a.m."

"Fine by me."

You two got under the covers and cuddled into sleep. You couldn't be happier. Narancia was the best boyfriend ever. But, before he fell asleep, he told you:

"You know... I even bought you a huge teddy bear to apologize. But I left it in the mansion. I'll give it to you next time."

"You didn't have to! Always giving me gifts... First the ring, now, a huge teddy bear?"

"What can I say? I'm unpredictable. Now, goodnight. I'm really tired..."

"Goodnight, Nara.", you giggled.

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