Chapter 7

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It was really fun, actually! First, you laugh because the dance was realy strange and ridiculous. But Narancia made you dance with him. The boy was really patience. You did your best to do as he said. You were sweating and laughing like you didn't in a long time. Even with Francesca, it wasn't like that. You felt guilty. Why were you having more fun that you'd normally have with your best friend in the whole world?

"You're doing fine!"

"Really? All I did was copy you and I didn't even made a good job. I'm just so exhausted...", you collapsed on the bed.

Narancia laughed. Your heart was beatting to fast and you were out of breath. The boy sat next to you. He was sweating too.

"You're great. We'll practice more at the next time."

You blushed:

"N-Next time?"

Narancia diverted his gaze from you, blushing furiously too.

"I-I mean, if you want."

"Of course I want! It was fun!"

He smiled.

"Then, we'll have to try it again when you come to my house for the tutions."

"Your house?"

"I-I mean, the gang's house. I promise they are nice."

You didn't expect them to be bad people but it was intimidating being surronded by boys. You knew there was a girl in the team but you were shy too. "Oh my God, I don't know if I can do this...", you thought. Then, Narancia broke the silence:

"I-I have something to confess. I didn't want to hear but you were a little bit loud."

"What are you talking about?", you were confused, sitting up.

"About your father."

You couldn't believe. He heard that?! You panicked:

"It's not like that! It's not that he didn't like you! It's just-"

"You don't need to apologize! I mean, it's pretty normal that your parents are afraid of me. I am in a gang, after all. I just don't want them to hate me, so I prefer stay away..."

"I'm so sorry.", you were so embarassed.

"Again, you don't need to apologize!", he assured you. After that, he took out his phone and lowered his head, "Will you give me your cellphone number?", he mumbled.

"Of course!"

"Seriously?! Cool!", Narancia got his head up and smiled at you.

You gave him your phone number and asked for his. You couldn't be happier. You had another friend! "I mean, he's from Bucciarati's gang but he was really nice and funny.", you thought.

You got out of the bed and did a ponytail with your hair.

"Narancia, you can go to the bathroom to clean your sweat if you want. Or do you prefer a towel?"

"Uh... I don't know. Maybe a towel..."

"Towel it is."

You opened your wardrobe and gave him a white towel. You excused yourself, telling him you needed to use the bathroom.

After all of that, you two went to have dinner with your parents. Then, Narancia excused himself, telling you he needed to leave and get home before it was too dark to see. You just nodded and accompanied him to the door. He putted his jacket on and putted his glasses in a pocket.

"It was really fun. I'll text you.", Narancia said, smiling goofly.

"I'll be waiting. Don't break your promises."

"I'd never do that to you, (Y/N).", he assured.

Your heart wanted to get out of your chest. How can he be so smooth dropping those line?! Was he so oblivious while saying that?!" My God". You were sure you were going to explode any moment now.

"Goodbye. Get home safe."

He chuckled, pointing to himself:

"I am a gangster! I can take care of myself."

You laughed:

"I know! Can't I be worried, tho?"

"You don't have to."

"What if I want?", you teased.

"Just saying... Do what makes you happy! Now, have a good night. We'll see each other tomorrow.", Narancia smiled.

"Good night to you too."

The boy got out of your house and you waved at him until you stopped seeing him at the distance. Then, you got inside and had your mother laughing at you. Behind her, your father was angry. You were sure you could see smoke getting out of his ears.

"What did I do?"

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