The Wedding (Pt 1)

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You were super nervous. Right now, you were in a hotel room with Francesca and Trish, your bridesmaids. They were wearing an aqua dress that you picked and that the two of them approved. They were helping you get on your wedding dress. Your heart was racing. You were marrying Narancia!

"Narancia is gonna love it!", Francesca said.

"He better love it or else...", Trish smiled, "Are you feeling good?"

"I'm so nervous!", you sighed, smiling.

"Don't worry. We'll be there. Besides, your parents are arriving to pick us up any moment now. You're going to be okay!"

You looked yourself in the mirror. The long dress with the back open and the long sleeves... You loved it. However, Narancia's reaction was what was important to you. You blushed, looking at yourself. You couldn't believe you would be a married woman today. At 27 years old.

You heard a knock on the door. Francesca went to open it. Your mom entered the room. When she saw you, she started crying.

"You're so pretty..."

You went to hug her, starting to tear up too.

"Don't cry!"

"You're going to marry today! I have the rights to be crying! My baby girl...", she cried.


Your mother cleaned her tears and said:

"Come on, your father is waiting on the car. Let's go, everyone pick the dress until the elevator."


You decided to get married at an church. More specifically the cathedral in Naples. Narancia happily accepted getting marry there. Your parents got happy that you choose that place because they got married there too.

Your father was as nervous as you. You were literally on the outside side of the door at the church. You were seconds away of getting married. Your dad was almost crying when he gave you his arm.

"Are you crying, dad?"

"Of course not!", he tried to clean the tears, "Are you crazy?"


"You're so pretty. You're getting married. I can't believe it. I'm giving you away to another man."

"I'll be alright. I love him, dad.", you smiled.

"I know, I know..."

You started to here the music. So, you took a deep breath and felt your father tense up at your side. You couldn't help but smile when the door was opened and you saw Narancia standing on the altar, waiting for you with Fugo by his side. Trish and Francesca were already on there too.

You only could look to Narancia. His eyes weren't leaving you too. He had an black tuxedo and an orange tie. For once, his orange thingy wasn't on his head. The walk until the altar was taking too long. You just wanted to be close to him.

Narancia went down a step just to offer you his hand. For once, you looked at your father and he nodded, letting go of you. You took Narancia's hand walked up a step with him just to be kissed there by him.

"You look so pretty.", his eyes were shinning so brightly.

You blushed, laughing:

"Dummy, we didn't even marry yet!"

He blushed:

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

Everyone present laughed.

"Narancia, even this you can't do right!", Fugo sighed.

"Shut up, Fugo!", Narancia quickly said.

You laughed.

The priest started talking while you and Narancia hold each others hands, looking at one another. This was it. You were getting married. You never thought that someone would like you. However, here you were: ready to be Narancia's wife.

"Who want to say the vows first?", the man said.

"I'll go first.", you said, your gaze never leaving your future husband, "So... How should I start? I mean... I never thought that I would be here today... I was always very insecure and shy before I met you. But you made me believe on myself and do the things I like without fear of being judge. I'll never forget the things you made for me. I'll always love you from the bottom of my heart. You're my special person, Nara."

You saw Narancia start to tear up. 

"I can't believe it. Are you crying?", you giggled.

"Of course not!", he started to clean his tears away, "I don't cry."

"Sure, you crybaby!", Mista shouted.

Your future husband looked at the gang:

"You shut up! I'm marrying the love of my life here! Sorry if that bothers you!"

Everyone started to laugh. Narancia took a deep breath and grabbed your hands again:

"Now, it's my turn. Ok... Here it goes. I fell for you at first sigh. And when you volunteered to tutor me all this years ago, I was really happy. I couldn't even stop smiling for the next couple of days. I couldn't stop thinking about you and about what I could do to see you smile for me more than you smile for others. Hell, I even made some questions wrong for you too stay a bit longer.", he saw how you raised a brow, "Don't make that face! Lecture me later, ok?", you smiled, "I really don't know how to express my feeling for you. I'm so grateful for you to be part of my life, (Y/N). I love you and will be there for you until we grow old. I wanna spend the rest of my days with you. I can't wait for it. You are my special someone too."

The priest started talking again:

"So, now it's the time to exchange rings."

You saw Fugo giving Narancia a ring at the same time Francesca gave you another one. You two were blushing messes right now. Your husband to be was shaking. Your heart was going to explode at any moment now.

"Narancia Ghirga, do you acce-"


He gave you his hand for you to put the ring on his finger. The priest advanced to ask you:

"And you, (Y/N) (L/N), do you accep-"

"Yes! One hundrer times yes!", he putted the ring on you.

You kissed before the priest could even say anything. Everyone got up and started cheering you  two up. When it all ended, you and Narancia got out of the altar and started walking down the stairs. You couldn't believe that you were finally (Y/N) Ghirga. It was like a dream come true.

"WAIT!", Trish screamed. You two stopped, "Are you crying, Bucciarati?!"

"N-No! Of course not!", he tried to hide it.

"Oh my God Abbachio, you too?!", Mista laughed.

"They grow up so fast... I'm so proud!", you never saw Abbacchio cry. His make up was getting all blurry.

You two continued to walk until the limousine that was waiting for you outside.

"I love you, you know?"

"I love you too."

Sorry to make this into two parts! But it would be really big if it wasn't done this way. ( ^ ^ )

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