Chapter 24

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Narancia POV

After (Y/N) went home for the day, I did the paperwork at my desk and delivered it at Bucciarati's office. I was so happy today. When I remember her face after I stopped kissing her, I immediately blush. She was so cute all flustered and innocent. Her eyes were shinning and her lips were red. I only noticed I gave her a hickey when she was leaving. I told her when we were at the door and (Y/N) almost hit me because of it! My girlfriend put her hair covering that stop on her neck nd went home without giving me a kiss. I think maybe I went a little too far today... But, on other side, it was totally worth it. Tho, I am really regreting my choices...

I smiled while knocking on Bucciarati's door. He gave me permission to enter and I opened the door. I put the papers on his desk and signed:

"All done."

"I can see that."

I was going away but Bucciarati stopped me.

"Where are you going? We need to talk."

"About what?", you turned to him.

"Close the door and come sit."

I was a bit confused but did what he ordered. I sat on a chair in front of his desk and asked if there was a mission.

"Actually, there's not. I need to talk about (Y/N)."

"What is it this time?"

"Nothing really. I just want to know if there's anything bothering you. You seem nervous."

"Well..", I didn't know if I wanted Bucciarati to know. Besides, he's going to lecture me, not help me at all.

"Let me guess.", the capo put his hands on the table, "You messed up with her, didn't you?"

I sighed and leaned on the chair:

"I think I did... I always screw everything up!"

"I told you to be calm. I know you're excited and all but you have to think about her too. I'm no expert but I'd ask for permission first."

"I-I asked, I swear! B-But I think she went home mad at me! What should I do?! I'll do everything you say."

"Sorry, this I can't decide for you."

"Can you give me any advice tho?"

"Obviously you have to apologize. That's number one."

"I don't know if she wants to see me right now..."

"Huh, fine then. Don't worry about her. I'll go apologize in your behalf-"

"B-Bucciarati! Why would you do that?!"

"Because you don't stand uo for yourself and go apologize to her like a man would."

I blushed, lowering my head:

"I'll do it. I'll go apologize to her tonight."

"Why tonight? You can go there now."

"She  always leaves her window open for me until midnight when her parents go to sleep. Besides, I don't want to face her father. That man is the most terrifiying man on Earth."

Bucciarati laughed:

"It can't be that bad."

"He literally forced me to give him my number. And he lectured me about (Y/N) and her limits. Oh, I can't forget the part when he threatened to kill me if he sees me touch anything else but her hand."

"Wise man."

"Wise?! Man, on which side are you?!"

"I'm on the side of the reason. Besides, you just prove me right about your hornyness."

"I-I'm not a horny teenager!"

"Yeah, sure..."

"You could be a little more supportive, you know?!"

"I am supportive."

"Sure... On other topic, should I buy somethiing to apologize?"

"Maybe, yeah. That would be nice."

"To the market I go!"

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