Chapter 16

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 You couldn't believe what was happening! Narancia was kissing you! Well, it was just for two seconds but it was enough to make your heart stop and your cheeks hot. And, on the top of all of that, he said he loved you! HE LOVED YOU!

The boy was looking at you while you weren't moving because of the shock. After a few seconds, Narancia thought that you didn't like it, so he apologize for kissing you and hid his face in his hands.

"I'm so sorry! I ruined everything and now you won't talk to me again!", he panicked, starting to shake his head furiously.

"Narancia...", you called, trying to calm him down.

"I screwed everything! As always, all I can do is mess up!"

You grabbed his hands, trying to make him stop shaking so much. You tried to let him look at you but he wouldn't listen.

"Narancia, look at me."

"No! I'm so embarassed right now! I can't look at you!"

"I like you too.", you said, shyly.

The boy stopped his movement and looked at you, blushing furiously too. His eyes were shinning so brightly and his mouth was wide open.

"Really?! So, I didn't mess up?!", he was so excited.


"Phew! I was so scared!"

"I-It was my first kiss.", you confessed, highly embarassed.

He grabbed your hand:

"I was the first?!"


After some seconds, he asked:

"Can I be the second too?"

You just nodded. You leaned against him and Narancia did the rest. He grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips into yours. This time, it was more passionate than the first one. His lips were soft and warm against yours. You were so afraid to mess this up that you were trembling.

"Am I that bad for you to be trembling?", he signed, visibly sad.

"No! Of course not! It's me that's bad at this!"

"Well...", he smirked, "I can be your teacher on this."

It was your time to laugh.

"Not a chance.", you two were still so closed, "When you can multiply right, maybe I'll let you."

"You're no fun!", he crossed his arms like a child and pouted.

"I'm mad at you, remember?", you backed out a little.

"I already apologized!", he whined.

"But I'm still mad. That won't change.", you smiled.

"What can I do to compensate you? Can I kiss you more so that you won't be mad at me?"

"You wish. First, you can get better. Now that you can't move, you have plenty of time to study Math, right?"

"Aww... I don't wanna..."

"No kisses for you, then."

"Fine, I'll do it... But, before you go home, can you stay a little bit more?"

"I don't know, can you behave?"

"Why are you so mean to me?!", he whinned again.

"Because you lied to me."

You didn't expect him to grab you and pull you under the covers with him. You tried to move from his grasp but you couldn't. Narancia layed down behind you and put his arms around you belly. His head was resting agaisnt your shoulder.

"N-Narancia...!", you blushed while your heartbeat increased.

"Just stay a little. Can we cuddle a little?", he whispered at your ear.

Of course you were in no position of saying no. Besides, you kinda liked being this closed to him. But you had a request.

"Then, let me turn to you."

He let you go just by a little while you turned to face his chest and rested you head on it. You could hear his heartbeat. It had at the same quick pace as yours. He was so warm and confy. If Narancia hadn't pushed you, you wouldn't have the courage to ask to cuddle. The boy put his arms around you in a protective way.

You two stayed like that one hour before you had to go. When you tried to get up, Narancia was almost asleep. However, when he fond you trying to escape, he pinned you to the bed.

"N-Narancia, I have to go.", you blushed, trying to not look in his eyes and pushing him out of the way. However, after a few seconds of trying, you looked him in the eyes. He was looking at you so intensly it made you embarassed, "Narancia?"

"Where do you thing you're going before giving me a kiss?"

"I have to go home! My parents are going to kill me!"

You gave him a final push and got out of the bed. When you looked back, you laughed because Narancia was looking at you with his innocent eyes and his mouth open.

"Please...", he begged.

"No can do."

"I even made the expression the guys do in the movies!"

You laughed again:

"Were you trying to seduce me?"

"Well, kinda...", he admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"You're unbelievable...", you signed, smilling, "Bye bye, Nara."

You got out of the bedroom with your cheeks on flames. You couldn't believe it. Narancia actually liked you! And even had that expression with you. But he was in the mafia! Were your parents going to approve? Guess you had to find out.

WE HIT 500 VIEWS! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I'M SCREAMING RIGHT KNOW! Tell me do you prefer fanart of Narancia or another chapter, to celebrate?

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