Chapter 18

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Narancia's POV

When I got (Y/N)'s message, I was completly terrified. Her father didn't like me, so I could only assume this is a plan to kill me! Or even worst! What am I going to do?! All of this started after Trish brought me my dinner. What was I going to do?!

Giorno came to pick up my plate but he saw me in this horrible state, so he pushed a chair and dat beside my bed.

"What's wrong?"

"(Y/N)'s father wants to meet me...", I signed.

Giorno stood there in complete silence. After a few minutes of thinking, he said:

"Didn't you already dinner with her parents?"

"Y-Yeah. But this time is different. I-I kinda confessed today...", I rubbed the back of my head, lowering my eyes.

"REALLY?!", Mista appeared at the door.

I blushed furiously while screaming:

"Are you always listening?!"

"Of course I am. My little brother finally got a girlfriend!", he smirked.

Then, Trish and Fugo appeared:

"Narancia finally told her?!", Trish shouted.

Fugo just stood at the door, smilling. Then, I saw Abbacchio put his head at the door, wanting to know what the commotion was all about.

"Narancia finally told (Y/N)!", Mista informed him.

I don't see Abbacchio smile often but he did crack a smile:

"I just don't want to see babies running on the corridors.", and he left.

Everyone looked at me with a grin while I was telling Abbacchio to shut up. Then, they began to laugh while I stood there embarassed. I-I mean, I know someday I want to be a father but it was still so far away. Of course, before that, (Y/N) and me had to... Oh my God, I don't want to think about it right now or I'll get too excited!

Then, Bucciarati appeared behind all of my companions.

"He's right, Narancia. I know you're excited and all but no babies, ok?"

"You too, Bucciarati?!", I whinned, "I'm not that irresponsible!"

"I know... After all, you were just cuddling with her, right?"

All of the others opened their mouths at me.

"HOW DID YOU SEE THAT?!", I was shocked by this point, "SERIOUSLY?! YOU'RE GOING TO SPY ON ME?!"

"Narancia, your room was too quite and I didn't know if (Y/N) had already left, so I opened the door to check. But I closed it at the second I saw her under your covers."

"Damn, this is getting good...", said Mista, winking at the others.

"Damn indeed.", responded Trish and Fugo. Giorno just smiled from his chair at my side.

Bucciarati just signed at the others:

"It's time to go now. I have to speak with Narancia privately. And, if I even imagine one of you is out there listening, you're going to be punished.", he threatens.

Trish and Mista were the firsts to get out. Then Fugo went ou the door and, at the end, went Giorno, closing the door behind him. Bucciarati sat on the chair with a serious look that vanished when the last person got out. He smiled at me.

"I am confused right now. Are you mad or happy?"

"I'm proud.", he smiled and his eyes were shinning, "You finally got a girlfriend."

"Why are you always saying that? The others said that too."

"Because you didn't seem that happy until (Y/N) showed up, so... what I am saying is that she is good for you. Why would I be mad?"

"Then, why did you want to talk?"

"Why can't I talk to you without the others listening? I am a bit guilty, I admit. I listen to your conversation with Giorno. Want help with her father?"

"I don't know... That's the problem. I am a man, I shouldn't be afraid of someone. I mean, I'm a fuckinig gangster!"

Bucciarati laughed:

"Well, yeah... I understand. Just think that I'm always here."

"You sound like a mom.", I smiled.

"I'm more than your mother!"

"Yeah, you sure are."

"Now, I have some questions. I promise I won't say anything to others."

"What is it?", I signed.

"Have you asked her out?"

"Not yet. I'm thinking of asking her father for permission first."

"Well played... Have you kissed her?"

"Y-Yeah.", I blushed, "I mean, the first time was more like a peck because I was nervous and all. But the second time was better. You believe I was her first kiss?! Man, that's so cool!"

"That means she's still innocent, so don't push her limits too fast."

"Oh... I didn't think about it... Thank you."

"You're welcome. What else? Tell me more."

"What else?", I start thinking, "Why do you want to know?"

"Come on!", he smiled, "There isn't much going on in this house."

"My personal life isn't for your amusement!", I laughed, "Now, it's my turn! Why did you open my door?! And how did I not notice?!"

"I just opened it a bit. And I just wanted to know if (Y/N) had already got home, just like I said. I didn't expect to see you cuddle with her. First I thought that you two had done it but then I understood."

"Bucciarati!", I blushed, putting your hands on my face.

"You have to admit it. You've thought about it!"

"Oh My God! Stop! I'm not a pervert."

"You're right. You're just a horny teen."


"And as a horny teen, you have to calm yourself because I don't want to be an uncle yet."

"More like a grandma... And, I am not a horny teenager! I know how to control myself."

"Sure... Now", Bucciarati got up of his chair and patted my head, "rest well because tomorrow is another day."

"Don't tell me that... (Y/N) is prohibited of going here until her father talks to me, so our lessons are going to be by videoconference. And her father is going to watch..."

"Good luck, you're gonna need it. But now sleep. Worry about that in the morning."

"Goodnight Bucciarati."

"Goodnight Narancia"

But I didn't sleep well that night.

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