Chapter 8

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Of course you told everything to Francesca. She was your best friend, so she agreed to keep it a secret. At lunch, your best friend started giving you the looks. Then she started singing quietly: "Narancia and (Y/N) sitting on a tree...". You blushed furiouly, tolding her it wasn't like that. After that, you recieved a text. Of course it was from him.

Narancia: Hello (Y/N), are you free today?

You couldn't help but smile. Francesca startd giggling and laughing at you. You laughed with her, tolding her you were getting embarassed and that people were starting to look.

"What's your problem?"", you asked her while blushing.

"My God, you're high over heels for him, aren't you?"

"N-No! Of course not! Stop being like that! I'm just going to his house."

She stopped and putted a hand on her month,somehow surprised:

"Wait, you're going to... his house?!"

"O-Of course, I'm going to teach him Math. How would I teach him if we don't meet?"

"It could be at your house."

"No. My father doesn't like him and gave him the look when we were dinning. It was so embarassinng... Francesca! You have to cover me, please...", you hid your face in your hands. 


"Because if my father even has a simple hint I'm going to his house, it's over."

"Ok, I'll cover you, say no more! But... What did your mother think?"

"She thinks I'm in love with him!"

"Aren't you, tho?"

"No! Please, you have to believe me! I only see Narancia as a friend. I-I mean, he's pretty funny and nice. That is all, Francesca!"

"Ok! Why are you looking at me like that? Chill, girl... Now, give him a answer. Don't leave him hanging!"

You started texting him.

You: Sorry for the wait! Yes, I'm free.

His response was a few seconds after.

Narancia: Cool! I'm going to meet you at school! Bye! Fugo is calling me! Wish me luck, (Y/N)!

You: Good luck! Bye.

"He said he's coming to pick me up.", you told Francesca.

"Good, I'm finally gonna see some action between you two! Can't wait!"


She laughed:

"Ok, ok! Sorry, (Y/N)!"

Then you two got to your classes when the bell rang. You didn't know what too think about Narancia. You never had a friend like him before. But you knew one thing: you couldn't wait to be with him again. 

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