Chapter 10

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You were sweating like a goddamn waterfall. Narancia noticed it at some point, reassuring that his gang were nice people and that you had nothing to be feared about. But that didn't make you calm at all! You were at the point when you could just faint on the ground. Why did you come with this stupid idea?!

"We're here."

You looked at the house in front of you two. It was huge, to say the least. It was so intimidating. Narancia got up the porch and got a key from his pocket. He opened the door and looked at you, who were trembling at the bottom of the stairs:

"Come in.", he smiled at you.

You walked to him and entered the house. When Narancia shouted that he was home, six people appeared from nowhere. You felt scared and started trembling by your friend's side. They all surrounded you, curious about the girl that Narancia had brought home.

"Guys, this is (Y/N)! Say hi!"

Trish, the girl with pink hair, was the first one at the line.

"Hello! It's so good to have other girl here! I'm Trish. Welcome. If you need anything, ask me."

You thanked her and moved to the other. Abbacchio only said his name and got away, Bucciarati welcomed you and invited you for dinner (you had to say yes, he was a capo, after all), Giorno greeted you with a simple smile and said his name, Mista welcomed you too and made a joke about your suppost relantionship with Narancia (you blushed and Narancia told him to shut up), and then, at the end of the line, was Fugo.

"So, you're his new tutor? Good luck. You're gonna need it."

"No cool!", whinned Narancia.

"I'm Fugo by the way. Call me if you feel the urge to give him a beatdown."

"I-I don't think it will be necessary."

He laughed:

"Sure... You'll see. I can give you an example. What's 16 x 55?"

You panicked:

"I-I don't know right away! I'll have to think... Just wait!"

Fugo put a hand on your shoulder, smiling:

"That's not necessary. I asked just to prove a point.", his head shifted to Narancia, "Wanna tell what answer you gave me, Narancia?"

"Fugo!", he blushed, "Is it really necessary?! I was wrong! I know that! You craved a fork in my face!"

"If he doesn't want to say, I won't be mad.",  you assured Fugo.

"28.", Narancia said.

You turned to him:


He was facing the ground:

"My answer was 28."

You tried to contain your laugh:

"Oh, I see."

"Have fun.", Narancia's tutor said.

He dissapeared in thin air. Narancia was still embarassed. You approached him and, without thinking, hugged him. Narancia shuddered.

"W-What are you doing?", you could listen to his heartbeat. His heart was beating too fast.

"Hugging the embarassement out of you. Isn't it obvious?", you said, looking up to meet his eyes while still hugging him.

"I'm not embarassed!", he said, blushing.

"Yes, you are.", you said, backing away a little, "There's no need. Everyone make mistakes. That's why I'm here. To teach you, right? Now, let's go!"

You were confident until you turned around to the house and the hallway. You didn't know where to go! Narancia laughed and grabbed your arm.

"Come with me."

You got to a living room where Mista was reading a magazine and Abacchio was sipping his tea while listened to music. They turned their heads to you two but said nothing. In the center of the sofas was a table filled with notebooks and a Math book from... the 2nd grade? You sat with him on the floor while you put your bag down. That was going to be a long lesson.

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