Chapter 3

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When you entered the house, you saw your mom running to give you a tight hug. You were shocked but not surprise. Your mother screamed:

"Thank God, you're alright! Were have you been, (Y/N)?!"

Your father went down the stairs quickly to join you both. He was worried too. You could see it in his face. You wanted to cry too but it would make your parents more worried. So you decided to take a deep breath and start to explain, calmly:

"Please don't freak out, ok?"

"You are scaring us! What happened?", asked your father.

"Well, I was coming back from school but then a man started following me. I tried to fool him and made a shortcut by an alley but he caught up. I was going to be in a bad situation if Narancia hadn't appeared."

"Y-You mean The Narancia from Bucciarati's gang, (Y/N)?", asked your mom.

"Yes. He brought me home."

"You should have called us! I'd pick you up!", your father signs.

"S-Sorry. I just panicked and I didn't know what to do.", tears start falling down your eyes,"I am so sorry."

"It doesn't matter! You are alright. That's all that matters to us.", your mom smiles, "I'll call you when it's time for dinner."

"Thank you, mom."

You went upstairs to your room to put your things down. Then, you walked to the bathroom out of your room and washed your face. You looked into the mirror. Your eyes were red from crying and you were flustered too. You start to think about Narancia. If it wasn't for him, you would be doomed. You had to return the favor. But how? Then, you thought of something. What if you helped him at Math? You could try. Narancia was tired of getting beat by Fugo... "It's a great idea!", you thought, "If I see him again, I am going to suggest it to him!" You smiked before thanking a bath. Were you going to see Narancia again?

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