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You know you're not gonna make it through the school year when monsters rush into your school on the second day of the semester.

I'm not even sure how it happened.

But I guess I have to explain how it all started.

After I agreed to help Amun-Ra and raise the gods, he smiled and said, "Are you sure, dear boy? I do not wish to force you. I am only here to appeal to you. Do you truly wish to raise the gods and save the world?"

I nodded. "It was my dad's dream. If he gave it his all, I have to at least try. Besides, what better revenge than to be killed by the son of the man you killed? I have to avenge my dad, and if by doing that I'll keep this world safe, I'm ready to give it my all."

I looked down at the Eye again, "But, I don't have any weapon. How will I survive?"

Amun-Ra chuckled and said, "That's the thing, dear Jones. You are ignorant of your true power, not realizing that you are the weapon. You have an amazing gift, dear Jones..." he opened his palm, and flames danced on it," The gift of fire magic. You were born with the ability to create, control, harness, and even manipulate fire. That tingling sensation in your fingers is the fire in you, waiting to be unleashed. All you have to do is feel for it, feel it, and release it. Of course, without me, the source of your fire magic, you cannot harness more than thirty percent of your power. Only when I am released in my full essence can your power exceed that percentage. No worries, though. Thirty percent is more than enough to take down Apep, assuming he hasn't gotten stronger and you can harness that percentage effectively enough."

I looked at my free hand. I tried to feel for the 'fire in me' as he called it, but I felt nothing.

He shook his head, "No, Jones. The fire does not come from your hands," he pointed at my chest, "It comes from your heart."

I tried again, feeling for the fire. Still nothing.

"It is yours, Jones, "Amun-Ra said, "Your fire. You command it by will, the same way you use your will to move your hand, to blink. Use your will."

I nodded and used my will to create the fire.

I don't know what I expected. I do know that I did not expect my hand to catch fire.

I yelped, and Amun-Ra laughed, "Wonderful! You can now command it to do whatever you wish!"

"Wonderful?!"I yelled, standing up, "My entire left hand is on fire! How is that wonderful?!"

"Now calm down, Jones," he started, but I interrupted him, "Calm down?! Easy for you to say, It's not your hand that's on fire!"

"It's your fire, Jones," he explained, "It cannot hurt you. Remember that."

I looked at my hand, red flames dancing on it. He's right, I told myself, If I can create this fire, then I can stop it, too.

And by my will, it stopped.

The flames died on my hand, and, surprised, I tried again. My hand caught fire, then the flames died again by my will. 

I looked up at Amun-Ra and said, "Woah."

"Indeed," he smiled, "Now you understand how your true power works. Feel free to harness it any way you desire. Considering you, you should most likely be able to eject fire from your arms to reach a distance of fifteen feet."


"In any case, "Amun-Ra stood, "I must take my leave now."

"What?"I said, "Why?"

The Sword of Fire-Trials Of Fate--Book IWhere stories live. Discover now