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I'd like to say the four of us rushed right back at the demon and beat it straight to hell. Or at least to the zoo.

But who am I kidding? The four of us ran like chickens.

As we ran, Hannah yelled, "We have to split up! It'll confuse the demon! Meet at the river up ahead!"

"That thing is a demon?!"I yelled as we all split paths. I rushed to my right, and when I turned back, the demon had followed me.

All of a sudden, Scooby-Doo and I had something in common.

I sprinted for my life, weaving between trees and throwing fire to my back. The demon rushed through all the trees, breaking everyone in its way. It dodged my fire attacks, too.

I screamed, "Help!" as I rushed forward. I darted to my left, but the demon simply rushed after me, gaining up on me with every step. When I turned to look, its body began to grow bigger, it's muscles literally buffing up. I panicked, then tripped and fell.

 I quickly tried to get up, but the demon was way too close to outrun now. I turned, and in a desperate bid to survive,I fired at it with everything I had. My flames shot out and slammed on the demon-croc, but it leaped out of the flames unhurt and rushed at me.

That's when Mac rushed out of nowhere and body-slammed it down.

I staggered up as he held my hand and said, "C'mon, man. We gotta get outta here. Now!"

We rushed off, but the croc got up, roared a powerful roar, and rushed right after us. Mac said, "Alright, listen! I'll distract killer-croc over there, while you run to Hannah and Natalia and bring them over. Got it?!"

"Dude, "I said, "No way am I leaving you here. What if it kills you?!"

He shrugged and said, "I die." He turned back to the croc and gave it a deadly punch on the cheek. The croc roared in pain, but it slammed Mac out of the way and rushed at me. I fired at it, but it leaped at me. It didn't even make it through the whole leap before Mac held it's tail and pulled, dragging it back. The croc roared at him and slapped him down with its tail. Mac fell, and I yelled, "Hey,croc-ie!"

It turned to me as I fired at its face, then, while it was distracted by the blinding flames, I darted to it's back and got to Mac. I helped him up as I said, "Come on. I'm not leaving you behind."

He smiled gratefully and muttered, "I hate when you never leave me to fight alone," as he got up.

"We're best friends, dude, "I said, "I'll never let you fight alone."

Just then the croc rushed at us, and we ran off. As we ran, Mac said, "So, you ready to fight?"

I nodded, "Ready when you are!"

We both stopped and turned, then rushed at the demon, who rushed right back. I fired at its face, blinding it again, and Mac gave it a powerful punch that made it stumble. It turned to Mac, roared, and was about to attack when I darted to its side and threw fire at its face, blinding it again. It turned to me and roared, but Mac smacked it away. It staggered back, then swiped at him, slamming him to the ground, then it turned to me and attacked. I ran off, but then I turned and shot fire at a branch above me. It fell on the croc's head as it rushed at me, but all that did was annoy it. 

It snarled and rushed at me, but Mac leaped to my front from nowhere and gave the croc a punch so bad it fell back.  

He turned to me and said, "Let's move." We ran as the demon-croc recovered, then rushed at us. We kept running forward, but then Mac leaped up, grabbed a large branch above us, and used it to backflip and land on the croc's head, distracting it. The croc clawed at him, and I turned and fired at its face. It roared and slammed its body on a tree, then Mac fell off. He got up, picked a rock, and slammed it on the croc's head, smashing the rock to pieces. 

The Sword of Fire-Trials Of Fate--Book IWhere stories live. Discover now