If that doesn't sum up this chapter, I don't know what will.
Don't get me wrong, though; I actually enjoyed the flight, or at least most of it. Not just because it was my first time on a plane or we had the entire plane to ourselves. I slept, horsed around with Mac, slept, stared out the window,slept...well, you get the general idea.
But everything changed when a bunch of monsters attacked.
The plane shook, and I woke up. When I turned and looked outside the window, all the sleep in my body instantly vanished. "Um...guys?"I called, "I think we're under attack."
The plane shook again, and Natalia cursed as she staggered up. She came over and looked out of my window, only to see an entire flock of griffins rushing at our plane.
Oh, and behind them was a dragon at least half the plane's size.
Natalia turned to me and gritted her teeth, "You think?!"
Then she turned to Hannah and yelled, "Hey,smarty-pants?! We got a dragon outside, and he looks hungry!"
Hannah only nodded, then maneuvered the plane to evade the monsters as she yelled, "Everyone,buckle-up!"
I did so, and Natalia walked over to Mac and shook him violently. "Wake up, you turd!" she yelled at him, "Our lives are in danger!"
Mac opened one weary eye, turned over, and closed it.
"Ugh!"Natalia slapped him, "Get up, already! If you don't buckle up, you'll freaking die!"
"Tell death I'm busy right now," he mumbled sleepily.
The plane shook again, and Natalia sat beside Mac and buckled him up. As soon as she buckled up, the plane shook so violently that Mac woke up with a start.
Hannah brought the plane down to a nosedive, and we dipped below the clouds, only to soar back up again. Even with that, the monsters wouldn't give up. They chased us and gained up on us, and one griffin flew over to my window and pecked at it, cracking the glass.
"Uh..guys?"I said. The plane shook violently, and Mac turned to my side and saw the griffin, right behind the dragon. The dragon's white and blue scales camouflaged it perfectly with the rest of the sky, except that this piece of sky breathed fire.
"Well, in case you haven't noticed," Natalia muttered, "We're under attack."
To prove her point, the dragon roared and slammed its body against the plane, shaking it once more.
The griffin came and pecked at my window again, then pecked a third time, smashing its glass. Mac immediately jerked up from his seat, tearing his seat-belt in the process, rushed at the window, and the second the griffin stuck its face in he punched it right back out so hard that it got sucked into the plane's engine turbines.
Air rushed out of the window, but Mac managed not to get sucked out.
That's when a couple of griffins pecked at the door. One of them got a hold of the handle with its beak and pulled the whole door off its hinges. Wind rushed out of the plane as five other griffins rushed in and went straight for me.
Natalia managed to shoot one down and injure another, and Mac punched one back outside, but another one got to my seat, ripped off my seat-belt, and before I could burn it, it tossed me outside. I managed to grab a part of the wall where the door had been, and I hung onto it for dear life.
Have you ever hung onto a plane about thirty thousand feet above the Amazon forest, with the wind rushing at your face at about seven hundred and fifty miles per hour, surrounded by an entire flock of monsters and a fire-breathing dragon? To say I was scared would be lying. Even terrified didn't cover it. I was at the very edge of panic, fully aware that the slightest mistake could lead me to a very scary death.
The Sword of Fire-Trials Of Fate--Book I
FantasíaHi. I'm Jones. My life was hard enough without being chosen to revive a bunch of gods. According to some ancient prophecy, I'm supposed to bring back a whole horde of deities to prevent demons from enslaving humanity. With the help of a b...