Chapter 12: Satan is a Flirt

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"I'll take two large chicken bowls and two Philadelphia Rolls." I told the lady, "What do you want Cade?"

"Uh, you're going to eat all that?" He was looking at me wide eyed.

"I could eat more but I figured you'd want room on the table for yours." I grinned and Cade cringed.

"Stop doing that you're scaring me and a California roll and a bowl of rice would be nice." He mumbled and fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

That was all he was going to eat? No wonder he was the size of the starving souls I collected.

"Hey Kitty, can we sit at the corner booth?" He was already pulling me to a red booth by a window.

"If that what you want, then yes," a smile made its way on to my face as I watched him try and pull me to go faster.

My smile turned into a smirk when Cade slid into the seat that was against the wall causing a great urge to sit next to him.

I then decided to graciously follow that urge and sit my ass right beside him.

I watched with amusement as his face went completely red, his mouth opening and closing like a fish before he finally found his words.

"Kitty! Go sit on the other side!" He wined.

His weak attempt to push me away only made me want to sit closer to him.

So I did.

"You're scooting the wrong way! You need to go the other way, right now!" He complained as he tried to push me harder which only caused him to push himself up against the wall.

"Mhm, and why do I need to do that?" I leaned toward him with a grin.

"Because you take up too much space! I'm claustrophobic!" He insisted but the red that was spread across his face said otherwise.

"I don't take up that much space, and I don't want to sit on that side." I leaned back.

"Why don't you want to sit on that side?" His brows furrowed.

"Because you're not over there." I shrugged.

The urge to just grab him and kiss him forced its way into my head as his face practically turned as red as a tomato. He pulled his hands off me and placed them in his lap.

"You'll be right in front of me." His voice was quiet, he was looking down.

"Yeah, but I won't be right next to you." I paused, "I'll have to admit I'm a little clingy."

"I can tell." He muttered as the waitress placed our food on the table.

He opened up his chopsticks and began to shovel rice into his mouth, face as red as a fire hydrant.

"Awe, you look extra cute when you're blushing." I nudged him flirtatiously.

Cade didn't look up but his face reddened even more.

I simply laughed and started eating too.

The rest of the meal went on with some small talk and a lot of me aggressively flirting with Cade while he tried and failed to ignore me. After we finished eating I offered to take him downtown to walk around.

"Okay! Can I get candy if we go in a store?" He was practically vibrating with excitement.

I wanted the grin he had plastered on his face to stay there for a while longer so I agreed.

"Omg, omg! I'm going to get skittles!" He shouted and fist pumped the air.

"Yeah, okay, would you chill out. I'll even get you two packs if you just stop yelling." I groaned but couldn't help the smile that found its way to my lips.

Popped this baby out just for you guys. You're welcome.

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