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A swirling from within its mind

A danger sensed, the unknown kind

Reflexively it transforms its skin

So to its surroundings, it blends in

Often days spent lounging about

Slowly breathing in and out

Now it waits for the danger to pass

Moving less than a blade of grass

The unknown entity does draw near

Into the lizard's vision, from the rear

A danger it is not, but rather prey

A fly has passed it on this day

Patiently does it wait in hiding

Its time it is silently biding

Waiting for the time to strike

To catch a treat it will certainly like

The witless prey is in position

Nothing can stop the lizard's mission

With a flick of its tongue, the fly is gone

The motion fast and the tongue long

It looks around for anything more

Unconvinced of what its sense was for

Perhaps there was something different out there

Something of which it was unaware

It glances around in all directions

Never lingering on certain sections

It even looks directly behind

And in that place, a bizarre find

It hopes for a mere moment that

The behemoth lurking, known as cat

Is not getting ready to pounce

But rather shaking the last curious ounce

The cat fixates on something odd

Not a mouse, nor a bird, nor a cod

As briefly as it intently stared

It turns away, as if prepared

It jumps to the side, as if chasing prey

The chameleon is safe this day

But who, I wonder, let it out to play

With a curious cat who's owner was away?

roogymirror's Poems: Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now