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Sometimes even i think that i might drown in your love


mo was desperate for fourth period to end, grinding his teeth, he fidgeted nervously, forever glancing at the door. At some point the newly recovered he Tian would catch him, and he'd be forced to listen to girls pouring their hearts out for that bastard. No. Today he was going to eat his sandwich in peace. No gang, no girl. No tian. Just him and the quiet. As the bell shrilly rung, mo was scrambling to leave the classroom before he met that fucker. Hurriedly rushing into the hall, he walked smack into a chest.

"Ow you fucker." He snarled. 

"Ooh, language mo mo." He tian smirked. His skin had returned to its normal bronze glow, and he once was once again surrounded by a gaggle of girls. 

"Where are you off too in a hurry?" He Tian murmurs leaning in close to Redheads face. 

"Noe of you business fucker."  

"He Tian, do you want to eat lunch with us?" One of the girls asked. 

"Maybe another time." He Tian firmly gripped Mo's t-shirt, then with a tug he dragged Mo out after him. 

Behind the school block, Mo crouched on the grass and stuffed his sandwich hungrily into his mouth. He Tian, leant back, smoking. Sunlight gathered amongst the trees. He watched Mo who in turn ignored He Tian. 

"Tell me Mo, why are you always so grumpy?"

"Because your here." Mo replied curtly mouth filled with bread and meat. Swallowing he stood up and faced Tian. 

"Why are u such a chicken dick." He retaliated. He Tain leaned forward, till their breath mingled, Mo could see the silver curling in He Tians eyes. He smelt of peppermint and cigarette smoke. Running his thumb along mos cheek, he wiped a smear of butter. 

"Care to skip with me?"


Mo was furious, He Tian leaning close had made him feel all sorts of things he wish he would never feel. Especially for that bastard. He Tian seemed unfazed as he walked ahead, still smoking. They had left school far behind and were now amongst shops and restaurants. The smell of baking bread swirled with cigarette smoke made Mo's stomach heave slightly. He regretted eating the sandwich so quickly. 

"Do you want something to eat?" He Tian asked gesturing at the bakery.

"No." Mo snapped, but his stomach rumbled, flushing he glowered at the ground.

"Really?" He Tian grabbed Mos arm, dragging them both into the shop. The pastries and cakes on display were of a price mo did not find fond. He Tain had offered no price limit but Mo was not some stuck up charity case. He ended up picking the least expensive: a cream bun. 

 They wandered through the open park, Mo devouring the bun.

"Do..do you want some?" He asked offering the half eaten Cake at He Tian. Who, slightly surprised at the offer, declined.

Leaning against the railings that over looked the river where he had thrown Mo Guan Shan previously, ( we all know when this happened ;) ) 

"Have you ever been confessed too?" The question that had escaped Mos lips surprised he Tian again.


Of course he had. Girls practically swooned at his feet. Mo bit his lip. For some reason his abdomen was throbbing. Jealousy? No. He didn't even like the fucker. 

Flushing at his own thoughts he faced the water. 

'What about you?" 

Although mo would never admit it he had only been confessed two once. In pre school. Did that even count?

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