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Baby, this love, I'll never let it die

Can't be touched by no one

I'd like to see 'em try


He Tian waited just outside Mo's street, lent back against a wall. An unlit cigarette between his rose lips. sunlight dipped across his face, his silver eyes burning as they focused on the road bustling with early workers. for someone containing so much rage and pain he was surprisingly peaceful.  a soft smile tugging against his lips. 

"what the fuck are you doing Tian?" Mo stalked forward, arms wrapped tightly around his chest, his hair stuck up, shimmering bronze in the pale morning sun. he had clearly only just woken from the nights grip. a grumpy expression pressing his eyebrows forward in his prominent scowl. 

"I'm waiting for you, Momo~" He Tian smirked, flicking his cigarette away. Mo's eyes followed the cigarettes trail, irritated. he refused to meet Tians eyes, instead brushing past, with an air of annoyance.

He Tian slung an arm around mo's shoulders, nuzzling into his neck.  his aroma calmed Him. a sweet smell of lemons and air dried sheets. He breathed in deeply causing Mo to shiver. 

"Stop It Tian before I shove you in front of a bus."

"just to let you know, I will drag you down with me." He Tian grinned. Mo rolled his eyes. biting his lip he turned away. squeezing his jacket he felt a strange emotion pass over, his throat tightening. he wasn't sure how He Tian felt about him, just thinking about it made his stomach hurt. 

coughing he pushed He Tian away. 

"what's wrong?"

"nothing."  Mo muttered. Concerned He Tian lent closer, only to be pushed roughly back.

"god, you have zero sense of peoples personal space don't you?" Mo snapped.

"I do, I just don't care." He Tian replied slipping an arm around Mo's waist.In response Mo elbowed his ribs, unconcerned He Tian further pressed himself to Mo's body. he missed the sense of anothers warmth. closing his eyes, he firmly stopped.

"FUCK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Mo yelped. he wriggled uncontrollably, but He Tian received little to no pressure to release the red head. 

"just one minute. please." 

Mo was struck by the tenderness in Tians voice, confused he stopped wriggling.

"fine, just one minute." he grumbled folding his arms firmly. What the actual fuck. This guy. One minute he's a stuck-up prick, the next..

releasing Mo, he Tian straightened. 

"your too good for me don't close mountain." 

"SHUT IT CHICKEN DICK!" Mo snarled, storming towards the school gates. 

Chuckling He Tian, followed close behind. 

"Tian!!" Jian Yi sprung forwards upon He Tians arrival, eyes sparkling with glee. He aimed a kick at Tians chest but was unsuccessful crashing to the ground. A sighing  Zhan Zheng Xi lifts a scrambling Jian Yi .

"we have a test tian!!" Jian Yi cries clutching Tians t-shirt.

"I'm aware."


distracted Tian watched as Mo stood close to his friend Tai ya, the grey shaved head was bent towards Mo's phone as they studied something intentionally. Jealousy burst through Tians chest. grinding his teeth in fury, his eyes narrowed as Tai Ya stepped even closer to the oblivious redhead, pointing at the screen with a confused expression. tearing a sobbing Jian yis' hand from his T-shirt he squeezed Jian Yi's wrist.

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